November 1, 2024

Primary Drum Circle at this Wednesday's BEAT

News from Ms. Trena:

Dear Renaissance Families, 

What a festive week we have had at REMS! Our students had so much fun celebrating Halloween with crafts, science projects, spooky poetry and our annual parade.  Our Kindies went on their first voyage to hike Bingham Lake and it was a smashing success! 

As we move into November,  I am excited to focus on the season of gratitude! Studies show that practicing gratitude can positively impact children’s emotional well-being, social skills, and overall happiness. Helping children recognize and appreciate the good things in their lives is a lifelong gift we can give them, and I invite you to join us on this journey!
Why Gratitude? Gratitude helps children develop a positive outlook, manage emotions, and build stronger relationships with peers and adults. Practicing gratitude doesn’t just make kids feel good; it also helps them become more resilient and compassionate.

Activities to Try at Home Here are a few fun, easy activities that you can try with your child to help foster a spirit of gratitude:

Gratitude Jar: Place a jar in a common area of your home. Each day, encourage everyone to write down one thing they’re thankful for. At the end of the week or month, read them together!

Thank You Notes: Help your child write a simple thank you note to someone they appreciate. It could be a friend, teacher, family member, or even a neighbor. A few heartfelt words can make a big difference!

Gratitude Walk: Go for a walk and take turns pointing out things you’re thankful for in your surroundings—birds, trees, neighbors, or even a favorite snack spot.

Gratitude Journal: For children who enjoy writing, a small gratitude journal can be a wonderful way to reflect. Each day, your child can write or draw one thing they’re grateful for.

Reflection Questions As we continue to explore gratitude, we encourage you to ask your child reflective questions, such as:

What was something good that happened today?
Who is someone you feel grateful for?
How did you make someone else’s day better?
By practicing gratitude together, we can create a warm, joyful environment where our children feel loved, appreciated, and ready to pass that kindness on to others. Thank you for supporting our efforts. 


Welcome, Mr. Justin! 
Please welcome Justin Mouttet as our new Campus Security Specialist.  Justin is no stranger to the REMS/RSS community.  He has served as a parent of children who attended REMS and has served on the RSS Board as a founding member, not to mention having served on countless voyages as an esteemed chaperone!  We are so elated to welcome Justin back to the crew!

Attendance and Tardies: Please be mindful of students' absences from school and morning tardies.  Essential learning for our crews begins at 8:40 AM with Morning Meetings where students preview the day, connect and focus on core values and frame their learning.  This ritual is essential to set our students up for success for the day and foster rich connections with them.  We appreciate you arriving on time daily.  If you arrive later than 8:45 AM please walk your child into the building and sign them in at the Main Office. 

Important Dates: 
11/4-8: One Book, One District
11/4: Third Grade Fieldwork
11/6: Second Grade Fieldwork
11/8: Sixth Grade Fieldwork
11/11 School Accountability Meeting 5 PM
11/19: Fourth/ D4/5 Fieldwork
11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break

With kind regards, 

News from Our Crews:

Halloween Fun:
Thank you to all of our parent volunteers that helped in classrooms and showed up to watch our costume parade! Here's a peek at some of the fun we had!

Kindergarten- The Pinery Hike:
Our Kindie Crews had so much fun at their hike today. They are working hard to build stamina for Voyage in the Spring!

Mr. Doug- PE:
CLIMBING WEEK starts NEXT WEEK and runs up to Thanksgiving Break!

Here is the link to the climbing schedule for November. If you have been trained at Renaissance please sign up to support our crews. If not there is still plenty of time to get you trained. Thank you.


If you would like to learn to belay at Renaissance please use the presentation linked below and then sign up for the in person portion. If you have been trained by me before you may use the presentation to review and then demonstrate your skills when we begin to climb in our gym.

Below is the link for the presentation that you may complete on your own time at home. Once you have completed the training presentation please sign up for the in person portion to complete the training in our gym, or reach out to Mr. Doug at to schedule the in person portion of your training.

The presentation must be completed before you come to the in person portion of the training in the gym. The time in the gym will be specifically utilized to answer questions and practice the skills necessary to facilitate climbing in our gym.

In person belay training sign up link.

Ms. Allison- School Social Worker:
Holiday Giving is here! It is that time of year again where Renaissance Crew with the help of Ms. Allison, reach out to our community members to help support families, giving extra love and support to provide new clothing and new gifts for the Holiday Season. Many of our classroom Crews will support their own family in need; however if you would like to help, please reach out to Ms. Allison at

Ms. Liesl- Performing Arts:
All-School Winter Performances - You're Invited!
Inspired by our One Book One District selection of "Whale Fall," this year's winter shows will be on the theme of Ocean Music. On Wednesday, December 18th, we will hold two performances in the gym. K-3rd Grade will begin their performance at 9:00AM, and 4-6th Grade will begin at 9:45AM. Please plan on attending only your child's performance to be mindful of our limited audience space. We hope to see you there!

Ms. Amanda- Gifted Education Facilitator:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
DCSD is committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, we implement Universal Screening for students in 2nd grade (February) and 5th or 6th grade--a student's final year of elementary school (November).

5th/6th Grade Universal Screen
As part of this process, ALL students in 6th grade not identified for gifted programming will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) in November.  This assessment indicates the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student in comparison to grade and age mates.  These general reasoning abilities, which start developing at birth and continue through early adulthood, are influenced by experiences gained both in and out of school.  

If your child is already identified for gifted programming, they will not participate in this universal screen testing. Your Gifted Education Facilitator will contact you directly with information about this process. 

Gifted Identification Referral Testing 
  • If your child is in grades 3, 4, or 5 and you believe they need evaluation for Gifted Identification and Services, you may refer your child for testing by initiating the Gifted Identification Process.  
  • NOTE:  Requesting this assessment automatically initiates the process to evaluate for Gifted Identification.
  • Please request CogAT testing for your child by completing the Referral for Gifted Identification linked HERE.
  • Upon receipt of this form the Gifted Education Facilitator will connect with you to discuss next steps in the gifted identification process.

Wrestling Program for DC Feeder Schools:
Check out this DC feeder wrestling program. It is for both girls AND boys!

News from Parent Crew:

Turkey Rock Trot
Let's join RSS in being the "Fittest Flock" 1- Select "Join Team" at the top of the registration page 2- Choose Renaissance Raptor Runners 3- Use discount code RSSCHOOL15

Fitch Ranch Returns
Fitch Ranch Artisan Meats has decided NOT to turn off our code. Let's keep donating to REMS. Use code: REMS in order notes for 10% proceeds to our school! 

Crew Wear Store 
Our Crew Wear Store is finally open and ready for business! Check out some amazing swag to shout out your love for the REMS Crew! 

Smart Cow Spirit Night
Join us in November 5th for a delightful treat at Smart Cow after dropping off your ballots! From 1-9 PM Smart Cow is helping our school by donating part of the proceeds of the day back to REMS. Make sure to mention that you’re with our school when you go!


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