November 15, 2024

Climb Week continues in the gym! Thank you to all of our volunteers who have been belaying our climbers!

News from Ms. Trena:

Dear Renaissance Families, 

Thank you, Douglas County Voters! 
Thank you voters for passing the DCSD Bond measure 5A!  We sincerely appreciate the community support for our school.  We are anxiously awaiting the benefits that the bond will bring to our school for some essential upgrades. 

Renaissance will benefit from: 
Enhance safety and security
Refresh student and staff technology
Upgrade HVAC controls
Replace flooring 
Install new intercom system
Replace sink countertops
Repair exterior walls

Important Dates: 
11/18-11/22 Book Fair Week (Spirit Week- see below)
11/18- Book Fair Beach Party 4-6PM
11/19: Fourth/ D4/5 Fieldwork
11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break

Holiday Adoptions:
For the past 11 years, Renaissance Expeditionary Magnet School (REMS) has participated in a homegrown collaborative effort to support community families during the holiday season with Holiday Giving (used to be called Holiday Adoptions). Holiday Giving is led by Allison Armour, our School Social Worker. 

Holiday Giving supports families within our Douglas County community or those families experiencing homelessness within the Denver Metro region that need some extra love for the holiday season. 

Crews have already received their families that they will support. Items need to be returned to school by 12/2 and then we invite the community to join Ms. Allison on 12/7 to help sort and wrap these gifts. 

If you would like more information or would like to support a child or family for your own act of service please email Ms. Allison

If you would like to read a history of REMS Holiday Giving click here.

With kind regards,

News from Our Crews:

2nd Grade Crews:
2nd Graders learn about the history of the Star on top of Castle Rock from special guest speaker Jay Allen, a current Keeper of the Star and Castle Rock Firefighter!

1st Grade Crews:
Thank you to all of our families for joining us at our Writing Celebration to give our first graders a chance to share their writing with an authentic audience and celebrate their progress as writers. All of the children are at different stages in their development as writers; however all have also shown some amazing growth so far this year too! 

Ms. Sami- 4th Grade:
Students used a giant map of Colorado to study Colorado Geography!

Ms. Erin- Library:
The time has come! The REMS Book Fair begins next Monday, November 18th. This year's theme is "Dive into a Good Book at the Book Fair"

What: Dive into a Good Book at the Book Fair! Help us shell-a-brate reading and raise money for our library. 
When: Nov. 18-22
Shopping Hours: Before school from. 8-8:40am w/adult, at each crew's regular library time, and after school. Fair will be open for 1 hour after school with the exception of our kick-off party on Monday evening from 4:00-6:00pm. 

**Special Event**
Help us kick-off the fair at our Book Fair Beach Party family event on Monday, Nov. 18 from 4:00-6:00pm. Play a round of Bingo for Books, join our guest reader for a read aloud, and more! 

Ms. Ashley- Adventure Ed:
We are gearing up for Winter Voyages! Dates have been posted and you can see them here
If you are interested in chaperoning with your child's crew, please follow the steps to complete the application to Chaperone for Voyage
Applications are due to Ms. Ashley by 4pm on December 10th!

Mr. Doug- PE:
Here is the link to the climbing schedule for November. If you have been trained at Renaissance please sign up to support our crews. If not there is still plenty of time to get you trained. Thank you.


If you would like to learn to belay at Renaissance please use the presentation linked below and then sign up for the in person portion. If you have been trained by me before you may use the presentation to review and then demonstrate your skills when we begin to climb in our gym.

Below is the link for the presentation that you may complete on your own time at home. Once you have completed the training presentation please sign up for the in person portion to complete the training in our gym, or reach out to Mr. Doug at to schedule the in person portion of your training.

The presentation must be completed before you come to the in person portion of the training in the gym. The time in the gym will be specifically utilized to answer questions and practice the skills necessary to facilitate climbing in our gym.

In person belay training sign up link.

Ms. Staci- Visual Arts:
Congratulations to our REMS artists!
The Colorado Art Educators Association hosted the Youth Art Month Colorado Flag Competition. Students from around Colorado recreated the Colorado Flag in the theme "Healing Through Color." Our very own REMS artists Huddy B. - 6th Grade received 1st place in the Middle School Category, and Hudson B. 5th Grade received 1st Place in the Elementary Category. Check out all of the amazing artwork submitted for the competition. 2024-25 YAM CO Flag Competition.

Ms. Allison- School Social Worker:
Holiday Giving is here! It is that time of year again where Renaissance Crew with the help of Ms. Allison, reach out to our community members to help support families, giving extra love and support to provide new clothing and new gifts for the Holiday Season. Many of our classroom Crews will support their own family in need; however if you would like to help, please reach out to Ms. Allison at


Mr. Justin- Campus Security Specialist:
All of our crews have had a special guest reader this week- Mr. Justin! 

News from Parent Crew:

Turkey Rock Trot
Let's join RSS in being the "Fittest Flock" 
1- Select "Join Team" at the top of the registration page 
2- Choose Renaissance Raptor Runners 
3- Use discount code RSSCHOOL15

Fitch Ranch Returns
Fitch Ranch Artisan Meats has decided NOT to turn off our code. Let's keep donating to REMS!
 Use code: REMS in order notes for 10% proceeds to our school!

Crew Wear Store 
Our Crew Wear Store is finally open and ready for business! Check out some amazing swag to shout out your love for the REMS Crew!


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