September 13, 2024

D4/5 Crews on Voyage this week.

 News from Ms. Trena:

What Would a Bond Cost_ B.png
Please check out the funding email that I sent out earlier this week regarding the 5A bond proposal. You can find valuable funding information for our school here. 
Renaissance Elementary Magnet-Bond Proposal 2024 .jpg
NEW! UPDATES-  see new Drop-off and Pick-up procedures 

Important Dates: 

9/19/24: PCF Movie on the Lawn Supply & Volunteer Sign Up

9/20/24: Professional Development Day- no school for students
10/11/24: Renaissance Adventure Day (RAD)

With kind regards, 

News from Our Crews:

Ms. Hillary's D4/5 Crew:
Check out some photos from D4/5's Voyage this week!

Ms. JoAnna's 6th Grade Crew:
6th Graders at REMS independently engaged in an enriching financial literacy project centered around designing their own food truck businesses! Students explored basic economic concepts by creating detailed food truck models, developing budgets, crafting menus with prices, and designing unique logos. Each student took on real world roles such as designer, budget manager, menu creator, or logo designer, to ultimately bring their food truck ideas to life. As an extension, some students even shopped for and prepared the food they planned to sell from their trucks. The projects displayed remarkable creativity and high-quality work, reflecting their deep understanding of buyers, sellers, competition, and consumer spending in a dynamic and hands-on manner.

Ms. Staci- Visual Arts: 
Artist Jen Stark hosted a virtual visit with our students this week. She shared with them her studio, her process and her art. Jen also was able to answer many questions the students had about Drip art and her new 3D art. This was an amazing opportunity for our students to see an artist in their element.

Ms. Erin- Library: 
Our 4th-6th grade crews welcomed author Rob Harrell to REMS on Wednesday. Renowned author and illustrator Rob Harrell visited our school to share his incredible journey to becoming a successful writer and comic artist. He talked about his creative process, the challenges he faced, and the importance of never giving up on your dreams. We even got a sneak peek into his latest project about a goose and a broken foot! It was an unforgettable experience that sparked our imaginations and fueled our passion for storytelling.
3rd, 6th, and D2/3 Crews-
Buddy Time! The students were working together in groups to build structures with Keva Planks.

Ms. Hope- Registrar:
We care deeply about our students’ educational success as valued members of our Crew.  One of the key components to a child’s educational success is consistent attendance at school.   In fact, did you know a  student is considered chronically absent if they are currently missing more than 10% of the school year?  While we realize there are a variety of circumstances that can create a need for your child to be absent, we want to remind parents that absences of a personal nature should be limited and taken during scheduled breaks.  We are noticing a high number of students missing school for prearranged vacations/time off during school.

Please see the REMS Attendance page on the website for details.  Thank you for your understanding and support!

News from PCF:

Save the date: RAD!
Are you ready to support our kids and participate in an amazing day filled with adventure, crew building, and fun? Renaissance Adventure Day (or RAD as we like to call it!) is coming up on October 11th. If you are interested in volunteering, please let Robyn Swinford know at More information is coming very soon!

Be a Mentor Family!
Are you an experienced REMS family? We're looking for several veteran families willing to partner with new families. Share your wealth of REMS knowledge, answer questions, send out reminders, and be a true champion of our school! If that sounds like something that would interest you and your family, please complete the following form and we will reach out. WE ARE CREW!

Movie Under the Stars!
Join us for a movie on the OLE...Kung Fu Panda 4! The whole family is welcome at this event, September 19th. Gathering starts at 5:30 with the movie beginning at dusk. Chick-fil-A is partnering with us for a Spirit Night, so order an awesome picnic dinner with them, and a portion of the sales goes back to our school! We will have popcorn and candy to snack on while watching the movie, but please bring your own chairs, blankets, glow sticks and flashlights to make it a night to remember! 

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Remember to Purchase your Rockies Fundraising Tickets!
Go Rockies! Purchase tickets for a game during the School Fundraiser Weekend! Select Renaissance Elementary and a portion of ticket sales will come back to REMS!



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