3rd Grade Crews Paddling While on Voyage This Week
News from Ms. Trena:
Dear REMS Families,
This week I have loved getting into our classrooms to read to crews. My current favorite children's book is Big Breath by William Meyers, where students learn the importance of mindful breathing to regulate their bodies when things feel hard or out of their control. It was so fun to see our crews practice mindful breathing and to chat with them on how something as easy as breathing can calm our brains and bodies.
Teaching mindfulness to children can be a valuable way to help them manage stress, improve focus, and develop emotional resilience. Here are some age-appropriate breathing activities to introduce mindfulness to children. Feel free to try them at home.
1. Simple Breathing Exercises
- Bubble Breathing: Have children imagine they are blowing bubbles. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth, picturing bubbles floating away.
- Flower and Candle: Instruct children to pretend they are smelling a flower (deep inhale) and then blowing out a candle (slow exhale).
Thank you for sharing your children with our crew!
Upcoming Events:
9/9: School Accountability Committee meeting 5 PM
9/19: PCF Movie on the Lawn Supply & Volunteer Sign Up
9/19: Prospective Families Orientation 5 PM
9/20: Professional Development Day- No school for students
Arrivals/Dismissals Process: Please make sure you view and are following the traffic pattern if using the Kiss N Go. As a crew, it is imperative for the safety and efficiency of the arrival and dismissal process that you follow the traffic patterns. Please follow the left lane around the RSS loop to enter our Kiss N Go. Refrain from cutting off traffic to turn left into our lane. We appreciate your dedication to keeping everyone safe and sane in the lanes!
Kiss N Go Traffic Patterns
In Crew,
News from Our Crews:
Mr. Doug- PE
If you would like to learn to belay at Renaissance please use the presentation linked below and then sign up for the in person portion. If you have been trained by me before you may use the presentation to review and then demonstrate your skills when we begin to climb in our gym.
Below is the link for the presentation that you may complete on your own time at home. Once you have completed the training presentation please sign up for the in person portion to complete the training in our gym, or reach out to Mr. Doug at doug.baker@dcsdk12.org to schedule the in person portion of your training.
The presentation must be completed before you come to the in person portion of the training in the gym. The time in the gym will be specifically utilized to answer questions and practice the skills necessary to facilitate climbing in our gym.
At home belay training presentation link. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGN19miabQ/xB8NbFH0MMYkpdQv_bRcFg/edit
In person belay training sign up link.

4th Grade Crews- Harvest Sale
Our 2nd garden harvest sale of the year will take place next Wednesday, September 11th from 12:45-1:30 at the front of our school! Bring a bag for your goodies and remember we can only accept cash.
3rd Grade Crews-
Our 3rd Grade Crews are back from a successful Fall Voyage! Check out some of the fun they had at Camp Shady Brook.
News from Parent Crew:
Kona Ice is VisitingThe Kona Ice truck is visiting our school after school on Wednesday September 11th at 1 PM!
Remember to Purchase your Rockies Fundraising Tickets!
Go Rockies! Purchase tickets for a game during the School Fundraiser Weekend! Select Renaissance Elementary and a portion of every ticket sold will come back to us!
Join us for Movie Night!
Calling all dragon warriors!! Join us for a movie on the lawn, The Kung Fu Panda 4 movie!! This fun event, for the whole family, will be Thursday September 19th. Set-up will be at 5pm and gathering starts at 530pm with the movie starting at 630pm. Be sure to come hungry as we will have a Spirit Night with Chick-fil-a that day to have a picnic dinner!! A portion of the sales will be donated to REMS. We will be serving popcorn and candy to snack on while watching the movie as a free treat. Please bring your own chairs, blankets, glow sticks and flashlights to make it a night to remember. Also be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities on Track It Forward. Looking forward to seeing you there!! Skadoosh!!!

Stock the Lounge -- Support our Staff
Interested in more ways to support our Crew? Help us stock up the staff lounge with some goodies to give our teachers and staff the fuel they need to keep up with our kids! Follow the QR code or find the sign up in Track it Forward to donate towards this wonderful Crew Building opportunity! Let's show our teachers how much we love them.
Renaissance Adventure Day is Coming Soon!
Ready to help support your kids as they run all of that energy out in an amazing day filled with adventure, crew building, and fun? Renaissance Adventure Day (or RAD as we like to call it!) is coming up on October 11th. If you already know how much fun it is and are interested in helping plan, run, or donate to the event, please let Robyn Swinford know today! You can email her at rjlonder@gmail.com. More information coming to a newsletter near you soon!
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