August 30, 2024


2nd Grade Crews on Voyage this week.

NEWS from Ms. Trena:

I can't believe that we are already heading into September!  The month of August has been joyfully busy with learning.  We are well into Voyage season with five crews already traveling on their Fall voyages. Many thanks to all of our teachers and chaperones for ensuring students are safe and thoroughly enjoying their time on voyage.  We hope that your family has a safe and adventurous Labor Day weekend! We will see you back at school on Tuesday, September 3rd. 

In Crew,

NEWS from Our Crews:

2nd Grade Crews:
We had a very successful 2nd grade Voyage!

Ms. Halle- Mental Health Team:
The Mental Health team has added regulation stations to our hallways for students to use through the support of a DonorsChose grant! This is for students who need a quick movement or quiet break from the classroom environment, with the goal of being able to successfully return to learning after. We are excited to use these tools to support student regulation here at school!

Ms. Summer's Crew:
Over the past 2 and a half weeks, we have focused on crew and starting with high-quality work! Students spent time with their families learning the meaning of their names then created a name plate representative of them for our first work as a crew. Together, our creations hang up as a reminder of the editing and revising process, a reminder of home, and will continue to be a representation of our crew throughout the year.

Ms. Erin - Librarian
This week in library we learned about our new school-wide book club that Ms. Erin is hosting this year! Are you a bookworm or an audiobook aficionado? Got a soft spot for robots or a fiery passion for the environment? Brace yourself for the first ever REMS Readers Book Club! We will be reading The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. Sign-up is required and K-2nd grade students will need an adult present to attend the meeting on Thursday, September 26th at 4:15. Please read the flyer for all the details.

Ms. Staci- Visual Arts:
We have the best crew parents! Thank you to our amazing volunteers who helped prepare over 100 drums for our Kindergarten and New Students. Be on the look out for more volunteer opportunities on the Track It Forward app!

Buddy classrooms met this week to begin building relationships. They will continue to work together throughout the school year and sit together at The Beat on Wednesdays.

Ms. Liesl- Performing Arts:

NEWS from Parent Crew:

Track it Forward Reminder
It has been amazing to see our track it forward families skyrocket! If you haven't had a chance to register, please take the steps to register your family and start counting those volunteer hours! You can follow the steps here to sign up for our Track It Forward volunteer program.

Rockies Fund Raising Night
Go Rockies! Purchase tickets for a game during the School Fundraiser Weekend! Select Renaissance Elementary and a portion of every ticket sold will come back to us!

Fitch Ranch Fundraising
Support Renaissance Elementary Magnet School with our first Spirit fundraiser of the year! 
August 23rd - Sept 1st 
Fitch Ranch Artisan Meats will donate 10% of their net sales to REMS! 
Local Certified Angus Beef brought to you fresh from the ranch. 
Pickup is being offered at REMS with home delivery options available as well.

Stock the Lounge -- Support our Staff
Interested in more ways to support our Crew? Help us stock up the staff lounge with some goodies to give our teachers and staff the fuel they need to keep up with our kids! Follow the QR code or find the sign up in Track it Forward to donate towards this wonderful Crew Building opportunity! Let's show our teachers how much we love them.


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