August 23, 2024


Ms. JoAnna's 6th Grade Crew on Voyage This Week

NEWS from Ms. Trena:

Dear REMS Families, 

This week has been abuzz with echoes of excitement as students began digging into deeper learning, building crew and establishing effective routines! Teachers have been hard at work to create a family culture through connections, by offering stability through routines, and establishing grounding in best practices to ensure students' success.  We know that when our students feel safe and have trusted adults that support them, they are then able to access academics. Thank you for trusting us with your children. 

Staff Highlights: 

Please welcome Mr. Ryan Dixon, our new Campus Security Specialist.  With the passage of the Mill Levy Override last November, we were able to hire a Campus Security Specialist at REMS to continue to support safety on our school campus.  We are very excited to have Mr. Ryan join our crew! 

While Ms. Ashley Cammack is not new to our REMS Staff Crew, she is new in the role of the Adventure Education Coordinator this year.  She has worked extremely hard over the summer to organize and streamline the Adventure Education program for both families and staff.  She has introduced a new 6th grade Fall voyage at Eagle's Nest Wilderness that promotes our students' growth and development in our core values.  Ms. Ashley spent quite a bit of time of her summer backpacking the trails and scouting routes so that our students experienced a safe and adventurous voyage this year.  Many thanks to Ms. Ashley for her dedication to upscaling our Adventure Ed program to meet the needs of all of our students! 

In Crew, 

NEWS from Parent Crew:

Track it Forward Reminder
It has been amazing to see our track it forward families skyrocket! If you haven't had a chance to register, please take the steps to register your family and start counting those volunteer hours! You can follow the steps here to sign up for our Track It Forward volunteer program.

Fitch Ranch Fundraising
Support Renaissance Elementary Magnet School with our first Spirit fundraiser of the year! 
August 23rd - Sept 1st 
Fitch Ranch Artisan Meats will donate 10% of their net sales to REMS! 
Local Certified Angus Beef brought to you fresh from the ranch. 
Pickup is being offered at REMS with home delivery options available as well.

Stock the Lounge -- Support our Staff
Interested in more ways to support our Crew? Help us stock up the staff lounge with some goodies to give our teachers and staff the fuel they need to keep up with our kids! Follow the QR code or find the sign up in Track it Forward to donate towards this wonderful Crew Building opportunity! Let's show our teachers how much we love them.!/showSignUp/409044FA8AD2EA7FB6-50504781-stock

Go Rockies! Fundraiser
Purchase tickets for a game during the School Fundraiser Weekend! 
Select Renaissance Elementary and a portion of every ticket sold will come back to us!

NEWS from Our Crews:

4th Grade Crews
Ms. Sami and Ms. Annie's crews would like to thank everyone who came out to support their first harvest sale of the year. It was a great success!

3rd Grade Crews
This week third grade has been getting ready for their first social studies expedition. Students observed various artifacts to predict and generate questions about the topic. This has built a lot of excitement, wondering, and engagement with our expedition launch. The topic will be revealed soon!

6th Grade Crews
Ms. JoAnna's Crew has been on Voyage all week. Here are some photos we received while they were away!


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