August 16, 2024

NEWS from Ms. Trena:

Dear REMS Families, 

We had such an amazing first week back with your children. Our staff spent time getting to know them, teaching them about the importance of crew and building sustainable relationships to ensure their success this school year. We appreciated seeing so many of you at Listening Conferences and look forward to celebrating the start of school at the annual REMS Carnival tonight at 4:30PM.  

Here are a few reminders from the first week: 
  • Early dismissals - if you need to pick up your child prior to the end of the school day, please arrive before 3:45 PM on M,T, Th, F and 1:45PM on Wednesdays.  You may call ahead to the main office if you are in a hurry and need your child to be ready upon your arrival.  Please sign them out in the office.  If you are returning to school after an appointment, please come in to the office to sign them in.  
  • Breakfast is served daily in the cafe from 8:25-8:35AM .  Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at 8:25AM when the front doors are open. Food may not leave the cafe to be taken to class.  Students must be in their classrooms by 8:40AM when the final bell rings.  
  • The school day starts promptly at 8:40AM.  Students should be in their classrooms by this time to begin the day.  
  • When in our lots and on campus, stay alert to ensure safety.  Refrain from distractions like using cell phones while driving in the car line. 
  • Arrivals/Dismissals Process:  Enclosed are our procedures (Kiss N Go Traffic Patterns) for arrivals and departures for school this year.  Parents are welcome to drop students off in the Kiss-n-Go lane or walk up to the front doors at 8:25 AM. Please do not turn left into the Kiss-n-Go lane, but follow the cue by pulling all of the way up  around the RSS loop and into our right lane.  The left lane is reserved for parking in the lot or passing.  

    During dismissals, parents may park in the school lot or at Metzler and walk up to the lawn or pick up in the Kiss-n-Go lane to retrieve their children. Staff will be supervising crosswalks and the departure lane to ensure safety. When you pick up your student, please make certain that they have notified their teacher that their parent has arrived. 

    ***Please place a sign in your passenger window with your student(s) name, grade level and teacher to assist us with delivering your student to you. 

  • Do not park, even temporarily, in handicapped or reserved parking spots to drop students off. Pull into a designated parking spot.  

  • Please refrain from bringing animals on campus. 

  • Please pay your fees.  School supply fees ensure that everyone has equal access to classroom supplies throughout the year. 

Thank you for following these protocols to ensure the safety of our crew! 

With kind regards, 

NEWS from Parent Crew:

Volunteers Needed!
We are still in need of volunteers for this event to make it as special as possible. If you have even an hour of your time, your kids (and all of our crew!) would be so grateful for the help!

Here are the links to sign up to support our first major school event!

This Friday is our super fun Carnival Celebration! Join us from 4:30 - 7 PM for a ton of fun activities, games, crafts, and more! Interested in pre-purchasing your tickets so that you don't have to wait as long in line? Use this link to order (please add TICKETS to your note) and we'll have your tickets available at the ticket table so long as you have your Venmo receipt! 

Fitch Ranch Fundraiser
Support Renaissance Elementary Magnet School with our first Spirit fundraiser of the year! 
August 23 - Sept 1 
Fitch Ranch Artisan Meats will donate 10% of net sales to REMS. 
Local Certified Angus Beef brought to you fresh from the ranch. Pickup at REMS and home delivery options will be available.
More information to come. 

Track it Forward Reminder
It has been amazing to see our track it forward families skyrocket! If you haven't had a chance to register, please take the steps to register your family and start counting those volunteer hours! You can follow the steps here to  to sign up for our Track It Forward volunteer program.

NEWS from Our Crews:

Volunteers Needed for Drum Prep
We are in need of volunteers to help prepare drums for new students. No experience necessary. If you have a jigsaw please bring it with you. We will be cutting sanding, painting and sorting. August 28 from 8-10.

Brains in Motion- After School Enrichment
See the flyer below for upcoming enrichment programs being offered at REMS!

Garden Harvest Sale
Our first garden harvest sale of the year will take place next Wednesday, August 21 from 12:45-1:30 at the front of our school! Bring a bag for your goodies and remember we can only accept cash.


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