
Showing posts from August, 2024

August 30, 2024

  2nd Grade Crews on Voyage this week. NEWS from Ms. Trena: I can't believe that we are already heading into September!  The month of August has been joyfully busy with learning.  We are well into Voyage season with five crews already traveling on their Fall voyages. Many thanks to all of our teachers and  chaperones  for ensuring students are safe and thoroughly enjoying their time on voyage.  We hope that your family has a safe and adventurous Labor Day weekend! We will see you back at school on Tuesday, September 3rd.  In Crew, NEWS from Our Crews: 2nd Grade Crews: We had a very successful 2nd grade Voyage! Ms. Halle- Mental Health Team: The Mental Health team has added regulation stations to our hallways for students to use through the support of a DonorsChose grant! This is for students who need a quick movement or quiet break from the classroom environment, with the goal of being able to successfully return to learning after. We are excited to us...

August 23, 2024

  Ms. JoAnna's 6th Grade Crew on Voyage This Week NEWS from Ms. Trena: Dear REMS Families,  This week has been abuzz with echoes of excitement as students began digging into deeper learning, building crew and establishing effective routines! Teachers have been hard at work to create a family culture through connections, by offering stability through routines, and establishing grounding in best practices to ensure students' success.  We know that when our students feel safe and have trusted adults that support them, they are then able to access academics. Thank you for trusting us with your children.  Staff Highlights:  Please welcome Mr. Ryan Dixon, our new Campus Security Specialist.  With the passage of the Mill Levy Override last November, we were able to hire a Campus Security Specialist at REMS to continue to support safety on our school campus.  We are very excited to have Mr. Ryan join our crew!  While Ms. Ashley Cammack is n...

August 16, 2024

NEWS from Ms. Trena: Dear REMS Families,  We had such an amazing first week back with your children. Our staff spent time getting to know them, teaching them about the importance of crew and building sustainable relationships to ensure their success this school year. We appreciated seeing so many of you at Listening Conferences and look forward to celebrating the start of school at the annual REMS Carnival tonight at 4:30PM.   Here are a few reminders from the first week:  Early dismissals - if you need to pick up your child prior to the end of the school day,  please arrive before 3:45 PM on M,T, Th, F and 1:45PM on Wednesdays .  You may call ahead to the main office if you are in a hurry and need your child to be ready upon your arrival.  Please sign them out in the office.  If you are returning to school after an appointment, please come in to the office to sign them in.   Breakfast is served daily in the cafe from 8:25-8:35...

August 9, 2024

Welcome Back Crew! We are so excited to kick off a new school year together as Crew here at REMS NEWS from Ms. Trena: Dear Parents,  As we begin this 24-25 school year, know that our staff are dedicated and beyond excited to welcome your child and family to our crew. This time of the year brings a wealth of possibilities, new relationships to forge and opportunities to engage in Expeditionary adventures together.   Enclosed are a few norms to ground us in our work for the year:    -  Communication is a healthy two way street.   We appreciate your willingness to follow  the  C hannels of  C ommunication  first before escalating matters beyond our school.  Please reach out to your teacher first and then follow the channels for better results.  -  L et’s create a mutual agreement for respecting ‘family time’ outside of the school day. Our staff works extremely hard to “teach within the school day”. We do not assign homew...