April 12, 2024

Important Dates:

April 15th-18th: CMAS Make-ups 

April16th: Ms. Mikaela's Crew Castlewood Canyon

April 19th: No School - Teacher Compensation Day 

April 24th: Gear Swap

April 25th: Ms. Madi's Crew Castlewood Canyon

April 26th: No School - PD Day 

April 30th: New Kindie Orientation 4:30 PM

May 1st: Art Walk 4:15-6 PM

May 18th: OLE Workday

NEW! News from our Crews:

Ms. Sami's crew went on a hunt for Cottonwood Sticks in Metzler Park. Cottonwood Sticks play a big part in CO History, which our fourth graders have been passionately studying.

Ms. Annie's crew presented the BEAT this week on our crew value perseverance. 

Our Battle of the Books team had a private party in the library celebrating the end of another successful season. 

Kindergarten invited their grownups in to celebrate the end of their personal narrative writing unit.

A Note from Ms. Hope:

If your family is making plans to leave REMS for the 24-25 school year, please call the main office and notify Ms. Hope. This allows for us to have accurate enrollment numbers. 

NEW! News from our Parent Crew:

Black, White & READ - THANK YOU!!

The Auction is behind us and we have to offer a HUGE thanks for our event leads, volunteers, sponsors, and of course, our generous community! Together we raised $52,00!!

Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A - Friday April 26th

Join us all day at either Castle Rock Chick-fil-A location for a delicious and fun spirit night with proceeds benefiting Renaissance Elementary School!

Welcome to our New PCF Board Members

Welcome to Cheryl Johnston, and Michelle Harrison, and welcome back Ashley Cammack! Thank you for volunteering to serve our school and Parent Community!

End of the Year Gear Swap! Wednesday, April 24

Bring in any gently used and outgrown voyage clothing and gear to donate back to another REMS student. We will have a collection box available in the foyer.
Come "Shop" (aka grab what you need!) on Wednesday, April 24 after school from 1:00pm-1:30pm.

Save the Dates: Art Walk & Spring OLE Workday

Mark your calendar - the fabulous REMS Art Walk is coming soon and our final OLE Clean-up for the spring/summer season are coming up in May! Sign-ups coming soon.

Link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Give back to REMS!

To link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Renaissance Educational Alliance, log into your account here.


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