March 9, 2024

Important Dates:

Mar. 11-22nd: Spring Break; School will resume on 3/25

Mar. 28: Virtual Prospective Parent Orientation, 5pm - 6pm

Mar. 30: black, white, and READ: REMS Annual Auction, 6pm - 10:30pm

NEW! News from Ms. Trena

Dear Renaissance Families, 

We made it! Spring Break is upon us.  We have had such a celebratory quarter with our crews! Thank you for your partnership and continued support of our school community. We wish you a safe and adventurous Spring Break. We will see everyone on March 25th.

In Crew,

Ms. Trena

NEW! News from our PE Crews:

Please join me in celebrating Mr. Doug and our students for taking FIRST PLACE in the STATE ARCHERY tournament!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 

2024_National Archery in the Schools Program Tournament Results
1st Place: Renaissance Elementary Magnet School,  Score: 2475 Tens: 43 

Top Females: 

3rd Place: Lindy, Score: 234 Tens: 5 

9th Place: Sabrina, Score: 210 Tens: 1 

Top Males:

3rd Place: Khaison, Score: 251 Tens: 7 

9th Place: Griffin, Score: 228 Tens: 4 

10th Place: Danny, Score: 220 Tens: 6 

10th Place: Beau, Score: 245 Tens: 6 

NEW! News from our Crews:

Fourth Grade taught us about Colorado State History with a fun musical during the BEAT.

Our 5th and 6th graders had the opportunity to attend a concert at Renaissance Secondary.

It's climbing season at REMS! Even our teachers were climbing the walls this week.

NEW! Community Involvement Opportunity:

Douglas County Libraries - Solar Eclipse Kits

Douglas County Libraries are offering free Solar Eclipse Packets with a pair of solar eclipse glasses and a take-home activity. Registration opens February 29, with packet pickup on March 30.

Visit, choose your library location, then visit the calendar to sign up for your packet.

Castle Rock - registration is full

Castle Pines - registration link

Highlands Ranch - registration is full

Lone Tree - registration link

Louviers - registration link

Parker - registration link

Roxborough - registration link

After School Opportunity:

NEW! News from our Parent Crew:

Your Parent Crew Dollars at Work - 2023/24 Grants
This year, our Parent Crew Foundation, in collaboration with the School Accountability Committee, rolled out a new process for distributing funds to our amazing teachers & staff! The application process is robust, with funding criteria focused on:
- addressing the school's UIP (unified improvement plan)
- promoting a positive school culture
- supporting REMS' unique programming needs.
An added goal is to ensure accountability while encouraging transparency.
Our SAC has brought this program to new heights allowing us to support the school in a sustainable & effective manner! So far this year, $15,366.70 has been awarded through staff grants!! REMS is unique in this.
Through our parent community's generosity we are able to make a direct impact in the classroom and individual student groups! Thank you Crew!! Check out all the ways we've supported our school JUST IN THE FIRST SEMESTER!

Renaissance Auction March 30, 2024 - TICKETS ON SALE NOW - Early Bird Pricing Ends March 10

VISIT THE AUCTION WEBSITE TODAY - Early bird ticket sales, sponsorship ticket packages, AND auction donation form, all online! 

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is quickly approaching! This event allows us to raise money to pour back into the school, including ongoing grants to the staff for materials and supplies, upcoming professional education opportunities, outdoor and adventure education gear, and more. We appreciate your continued support to this event!

We’re looking for volunteers to help with on event day with games, check-in/out, set up and take-down! Visit Track It Forward to sign up!  We also need 100 bottles of nice wine for our wine-wall game.  All donations of your time, talent, and space are tax-deductible donations as well!

Looking for great childcare so you can enjoy the night? Sign your kiddos up for the Parent’s Night Out at RSS! Your kiddos will enjoy a FUN night of pizza, games, movies, books, and arts and crafts with RSS student volunteers, parent volunteers, and staff! 

$30/1st Child, $25/2nd Child, $20/Additional Children - Sign up today!


Onyx Point, LLC

Backyard Bakeries - desserts at the event!

Perfect Turf

Ashley Warren - Infinity Pros

Hydrate IV Bar

The Parent Crew is looking for volunteers to share their time and interests with our students!

Got a passion for engineering? Love to create or perform? Want to inspire students to pursue their passions? We need your help! Fill out this SHORT survey for the Parent Crew Foundation to start matching volunteers to classrooms or before/after school activities!

Link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Give back to REMS!

To link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Renaissance Educational Alliance, log into your account here.


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