February 23, 2024

Important Dates:

Feb. 26-27th: 2nd grade KSS Voyage; DOR: Feb. 28th

Feb. 29: Bethany's Crew Fieldwork 

Mar. 1st: Lauren's Crew Fieldwork 

Mar. 6th: 4th grade CO Musical 

Mar. 11-22nd: Spring Break 

NEW! News from Ms. Trena

March Crew Value: Courage 

This month we are focusing on the core value COURAGE. At REMS, we offer our students a wealth of opportunities to enhance their skills to be courageous learners through voyages, trying new things, climbing, and taking academic risks. Being courageous and taking calculated risks builds grit and resilience for future opportunities beyond the classroom. 

Here are some great examples to encourage your child to be brave from Dr. Tali Shenfield from Advanced Psychology Services

  • Explain what courage looks like and feels like in our bodies
  • Encourage mistakes.  Courage is the ability to make mistakes and learn from them. 
  • FAIL is our First Attempt at Learning.
  • Try new things.
  • Affirm their courageous choices. 
  • Be the example and model courage for your child.
  • Encourage and model positive inner dialogue.
  • Remind them that it is never too late to change the outcome. 
    Together, we can partner to build courageous leaners for the future. 

NEW! News from our Crews:

What an awesome week of adventure at REMS!  

Ms. Bethany's crew hosted the BEAT this week and talked about being helpful.

It's climbing season at REMS! Sign up to belay.

Ms. Lauren's Crew enjoyed Community Reading with their families.

D6 had a wonderful Winter Voyage. They will return this afternoon.

NEW! After School Opportunity:

NEW! News from our Parent Crew:

Join us in our Virtual SAC + PCF Huddle! 

Representatives from the Parent Crew Board and the School Accountability Committee will lead the huddle. You'll have a better understanding of the difference between the two, and how each group can support and help you with concerns and questions.

Date: March 5

Time: 7pm

Where: Zoom

How:  (1) Register here 

           (2) Help us have a focused huddle, by completing this survey.

Lost & Found - Claim your items by March 8
With the changing weather and nearly all voyages completed, our Lost & Found is OVERFLOWING once again! Please stop by and claim your stuff asap! All unclaimed items will be donated before spring break!

Your Parent Crew Dollars at Work - 2023/24 Grants
This year, our Parent Crew Foundation, in collaboration with the School Accountability Committee, rolled out a new process for distributing funds to our amazing teachers & staff! The application process is robust, with funding criteria focused on:
- addressing the school's UIP (unified improvement plan)
- promoting a positive school culture
- supporting REMS' unique programming needs.
An added goal is to ensure accountability while encouraging transparency.
Our SAC has brought this program to new heights allowing us to support the school in a sustainable & effective manner! So far this year, $15,366.70 has been awarded through staff grants!! REMS is unique in this.
Through our parent community's generosity we are able to make a direct impact in the classroom and individual student groups! Thank you Crew!! Check out all the ways we've supported our school JUST IN THE FIRST SEMESTER!

Renaissance Auction March 30, 2024 - TICKETS ON SALE NOW

VISIT THE AUCTION WEBSITE TODAY - Early bird ticket sales, sponsorship ticket packages, AND auction donation form, all online! http://bidpal.net/remsauction2024

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is quickly approaching! This event allows us to raise money to pour back into the school, including ongoing grants to the staff for materials and supplies, upcoming professional education opportunities, outdoor and adventure education gear, and more. We appreciate your continued support to this event!

We’re looking for volunteers to help with procurement and planning - this opportunity is perfect for working parents to get their volunteer hours on the evenings & weekends! Reach out to RenaissanceElementaryAuction@gmail.com  to get connected with our auction leads!

Got a cabin or vacation home you’d love to make available for a weekend? Love to host parties or teach your hobby?  We also need 100 bottles of nice wine for our wine-wall game.  All donations of your time, talent, and space are tax-deductible donations as well!

Looking for great childcare so you can enjoy the night? Sign your kiddos up for the Parent’s Night Out at RSS for pizza, movies, crafts and more! Details coming soon!!


REMS Family owned & operated, Onyx Point continues to give back to our community through generous sponsorships of our events! We appreciate their commitment to our students, staff, and community. Learn more about Onyx Point and its services here.

Belay on! Spring climbing going on now!!

Climbing is one of the most important pieces of our adventure education program, but it doesn't happen without your support. Each day that our students climb, we need dozens of parent volunteers to make it safe and enjoyable for our crews! Sign up here to help!

Link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Give back to REMS!

To link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Renaissance Educational Alliance, log into your account here.

February Volunteer Spotlight: Meet the Layman Family


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