January 12, 2024

Important Dates:

Jan. 15 - No School Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday 
Jan. 16-19 - Ms. Jena's Crew Winter Voyage 
Jan. 22 - Ms. Jena's Crew Day of Rest 
Jan. 22-25 - Ms. JoAnna's Crew Winter Voyage 

Jan. 26 - Ms. JoAnna's Crew Day of Rest 

NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena:

Dear REMS Families, 

Thank you for a great first week back from Winter Break with your children.  I absolutely loved seeing so much excitement and engagement as students returned to their crews. 

We are gearing up for Winter Voyages as well.  Mr. Cody K. and Ms. Ashley C. have been spending time with our crews this week to focus on team building and outdoor safety.  Please make sure to check the gear lists on our website for the most up to date information to prepare for voyages.  Thank you in advance for volunteering to chaperone.  Your commitments to chaperoning ensure a safe and successful winter voyage for our students. 

Congratulations to our cup stackers who placed in the REMS Cup Stacking Tournament this week! Many thanks to Mr. Doug for all of his efforts to teach our students such resilience and integrity to master their cup stacking skills. 

Ethan McLendon, Owen Cashman, Casey Shanley
Parent/Student Pair: Adam and Lorena Perry

Car line Reminders: 
- Unload/load students on the right side of the street onto the sidewalk. 
- If you are dropping students off, please use the car line or park and walk them to the crosswalk. Avoid dropping students off in handicap spots or in the middle of the parking lot. 
- Use crosswalks. 
- Cell phone free please! 
- Stay in your car in the car line.  A staff member will assist your student with loading and unloading. 
- Pull all the way up in the line to ensure efficiency. 
- If you have made arrangements for someone new to pick up your child, ensure they are on the Emergency Contact list and let your child's teacher know. 
- Drop off and pick up students on time. 

Appropriate Gear:
- Please send your child to school with appropriate footwear for Adventure Education.  We prefer that students wear athletic shoes that they can walk, run, and play in.  Avoid wheelie shoes, flip flops, etc... to ensure safety or send them with a change of shoes that they can use for recess and P.E.
- Send students with snow gear during the Winter (gloves, coats, hats, scarves, boots, snow pants, etc...). 

In Crew, 

Ms. Trena 

NEW! News from our Crews: 

Our crews had the opportunity to participate in Winter Team Building with Mr. Cody & Ms. Ashley this week!

This week's Beat was hosted by Mr. Doug. Many of our students competed in Cup Stacking doubles and singles.

NEW! News from our Parent Crew:

Support our SOUPer staff!

Let's warm the hearts and bellies of our amazing REMS teachers and staff with a soup bar on Wednesday, January 17! 

Belay On!

Climbing is one of the most important pieces of our adventure education program, but it doesn't happen without your support. Each day that our students climb, we need dozens of parent volunteers to make it safe and enjoyable for our crews! Sign-up to learn how to safely belay with Mr. Doug on Jan 17 or 24.

Feb 8, 5:30-7:30

Come in from the cold, and enjoy some REMS Crew fun!

Shirts: Create your own REMS-spirit Tie Dye shirt. We have all the supplies; you can pre-order your shirt for a small fee. To be guaranteed a shirt, submit your order by Jan 22.

Potluck: Bring in and share your favorite chili dish! Sign up for chili or a side, so we can plan accordingly.

Save-the-Date: Renaissance Auction

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is quickly approaching! This event allows us to raise money to pour back into the school, including ongoing grants to the staff for materials and supplies, ongoing professional education opportunities, outdoor and adventure education gear, and more. We appreciate your continued support to this event! 

We’re looking for volunteers to help with procurement and planning - this opportunity is perfect for working parents to get their volunteer hours on the evenings & weekends!

Reach out to RenaissanceElementaryAuction@gmail.com  to get connected with our auction leads!

Got a cabin or vacation home you’d love to make available for a weekend? All donations of your time, talent, and space are tax-deductible donations as well!

Looking for great childcare so you can enjoy the night? Sign your kiddos up for the Parent’s Night Out at RSS for pizza, movies, crafts and more! Details coming soon!! 

Auction Sponsors Needed!

Local sponsors help us ensure that all the funds raised go back to the school, while promoting your business! Families are also welcome to sponsor at any level.

Auction Wine Wall Donations Needed!

We have all sorts of fun planned for our auction! Such as the Wine Wall!
We need 100 bottles of wine for our wine-wall game. Please donate nice wines to our auction. These count for tax deductions, and volunteer hours! Bottles can be dropped off in the front office. 

Spirit Night at Urban Air: Jan 31

Join us for an exciting night of fun and games at Urban Air with 20% coming back to Renaissance!

Link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Give back to REMS!

To link your King Soopers Rewards Card to Renaissance Educational Alliance, log into your account. Once logged in, you can search for Renaissance Educational Alliance either by name or “WR833,” and then click “Enroll.”


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