September 15, 2023
NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena:
Important Dates:
9/19-9/22: 4th grade Voyage/Day of Rest
9/21: REMS Movie Night (RSVP here) 6pm
9/22: Professional Development Day for Teachers (No school)
9/25-9/28: 5th grade Voyage/Day of Rest
9/28: Coffee w/ the Principal 5pm
10/5: Make-up Picture Day
10/6: Renaissance Adventure Day
10/9/23-10/20/23: Fall Break
Our October student count for the 23-24 school year is upon us! It is crucial that all students are present at REMS on Monday, October 2, 2023 to ensure that we are able to get fully funded from the state for every student that is enrolled with us. Please refrain from showing up late or scheduling early pick-ups for appointments on this day. We greatly appreciate your support.
Dear Families,
We have a very busy, yet exciting few weeks ahead of us! Fall Voyages have been a success so far with our students pushing through their growth zones and building crew. It has been so exciting to see them return from voyages exhausted, dirty, yet with a renewed spirit from being out in nature!
This month our school crew is focusing on the core value of INTEGRITY. We are teaching our students what it looks like to have integrity as they move through their days here at REMS. We are also recognizing both students and staff who are exhibiting integrity with our new Crew Values Spirit Sticks (more details below). Our goal is to recognize every student throughout the year for their continued efforts to display our core values in action. We are starting a movement!
Crew Values Spirit Sticks:
At our most recent Beat (our all-school assembly), we rolled out our Core Values focus of the year! We are looking forward to reinforcing our school’s Core Values each and every day with students. To make this a more tangible goal, as students display core values, they will earn a core value tag. The goal is to get all six core values. You can get more info about our Core Values here, scrolling down to “Culture of Crew” under Renaissance Rituals.
Students also earn points for their team! One core value is one point, and 100 points gets a compass-point filled in. You can help your student by discussing and/or modeling our core values at home: Service, Passion, Stewardship, Courage, Integrity, and Perseverance. This is a year long process and the values don’t have to be earned all at once. They also only earn them one time each.
Coffee with the Principal:
School Fees:
REMS voyage fees and supply fees are necessary to continue our unique programming. Please login to MySchoolBucks and ensure that you have paid all invoices and visit the REMS Store to pay your supply fee.
Bond/Mill Levy Update:
NEW! News from our Crews:
4th-6th Grade: It's not too late to sign up for Band and Orchestra!
This year REMS is hosting after school programs for both band and orchestra. Students wanting to learn string instruments (violin, viola, cello, or bass) can sign up for orchestra. Students wanting to learn wind (woodwind or brass) and percussion instruments can sign up for band. This LINK takes you to the sign-up site. Renaissance Band is on page 1 and Renaissance Orchestra is on page 2. If you want more information about the classes or wish to contact the program teachers, please visit If you have any questions they will be more than willing to help!
LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCE of Balinese Gamelan with Ms. Liesl
(and Ghanaian Mokomba Ensemble)
For the past three weeks, Ms. Liesl and the 1st-6th Grade crews have been studying the music and culture of Balinese Gamelan. If your child has come home excited about this musical exploration and/or you would like to see a live performance of an authentic gamelan ensemble, you're in luck! Ms. Liesl is a member of the award-winning group Gamelan Tunas Mekar, who are performing a FREE live show at Levitt Pavilion on Sunday, September 24th. Ghanaian Mokomba Ensemble will open the show at 5PM, and Gamelan Tunas Mekar will begin their set at 6PM. Click here to learn more/reserve your free tickets, and hope to see you there!
- If you student will be absent, please remember to call our attendance line at (303) 387-8002 or email Ms. Hope as well as your student's teacher.
A Note from Ms. Staci:
Send in your colorful, plastic bottle caps for our upcoming RAD art project. Students can drop off their bottle caps in the art room anytime between now and Fall Break.
KidzToPros, an educational enrichment provider, is offering exciting and educational STEM, arts and sports After-School Programs at Renaissance Elementary Magnet School this year. We’d love for your children to join us! To register, please follow this LINK. You’ll find numerous options to fit every child’s interests.
If you have any further questions, please email KidzToPros directly at
REMS Movie Night on the Turf
It’s a-me, Mario! Join us for a movie on the lawn, The Super Mario Brothers movie!! This fun event, for the whole family, will be Thursday September 21st. Set-up will be at 5pm and gathering starts at 5:30pm with the movie starting at 6:30pm. Be sure to come hungry as we will have Burnt End BBQ on site to provide dinner for purchase (cash, credit card, Apple pay or Venmo). A portion of the sales will be donated to REMS. Please be sure to RSVP for food truck items to ensure enough food at the event!
We will be serving popcorn and candy to snack on while watching the movie as a free treat. Please bring your own chairs, blankets, glow sticks and flashlights to make it a night to remember. (Leave your adult beverages at home.) Also we have volunteer opportunities for before, during and after the event. Looking forward to seeing you there!! Yiiiiiipeee!!!
Register Today for Renaissance Adventure Day!
Visit MYBOOSTER.COM to register for the Fun-Run Fundraising adventure!
This year’s theme is a World Changer Workshop, with the help of Youtube stars, Dude Perfect!
Our RAD Volunteer sign-up is open NOW! Join in on all the ADVENTURE by helping with the Fun Run, Dance-A-Thon, Service Project, Community Art & More! There are separate sign-ups for Morning & Afternoon volunteering, but feel free to sign up on both!
Visit the RAD website for all the details, including our upcoming Service Project Donation Drive!
The Parent Crew Info binder lives just inside the front office, home to all the latest PCF flyers and a NEW page of sticky notes - small acts of service that any teacher or staff member needs help with!
Grab one and get it done! (Not finished? No problem - just place the note back in the binder for later or another volunteer.)Spirit Night at Zaika Indian on September 29th, 2023 from 11:30am-9:00pm
Our Spirit Night is good for dine-in, takeout, pickup, and delivery. Zaika Indian in Castle Rock is also available on DoorDash, GrubHub, or Uber Eats. In the section for order notes or special instructions, include “I am with the GroupRaise Meal for Renaissance Elementary School” and we get 20%!Your Parent Crew Dollars at Work
This month, your Parent Crew has provided the following grants to our staff:
- Flexible seating for SPED.
Hokki Stools, and similar chairs use small muscle movements to keep students on task and focused in class. Occupational therapists call it “active sitting,” and the chairs “allow movement in all directions” while the padded seat keeps them from slipping. The stools seem to absorb excess energy since a student is able to be in a near constant state of movement and remain on task. Wiggle cushions provide postural input, allow for movement while seated and can be placed in a standard chair. The cube chairs are designed to provide proprioceptive input and to keep students grounded during circle time / other activities.
- Gizmo: Science and Math Simulations
We are hoping to utilize Gizmos to enhance our Expeditions by expanding students’ exploration of science concepts. This software would allow students to explore science concepts that we may struggle to do a hands-on experiment due to supply/classroom limitations. For instance, in Discovery’s 4/5 and 5/6 Ecosystem Expedition there is an experiment within the curriculum that would require live fish, however, Gizmos would allow us to explore the same concept without having to endanger live fish. We are confident this would help engage students in concepts similar to a hands-on experiment. In addition, we are hoping to utilize it to help enrich students learning both in math and their own personal exploration of science concepts.
- Prof Development: Send Ms. Liesl to the Professional Music Educator Conference
CMEA is one of the largest national conventions for music educators in the US. Guest clinicians from all over the country present on relevant topics for today’s teachers and provide a rich learning environment for all levels of teaching. Ms. Liesl will spend the time at the conference networking with other educators and learning about the newest innovations in my subject area that she can directly bring back and begin using to benefit REMS students in the classroom. These types of conferences continually inspire Ms. Liesl to grow her teaching practice and try new things to reach all students and their highly individual interests.
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