August 4, 2023

News From Our Crews:

Our staff had a great time bonding at Chatfield this week. We are ready and excited for this school year to begin!

A Note from Ms. Trena:

Dear Families, 

We are so excited for our school year to begin on Tuesday, August 8th! Before school begins, please join us on Monday from 10-11:30am for a Sneak Peak at REMS.  This is a great opportunity to briefly meet our staff, tour our school, pay fees, turn in voyage paperwork, complete volunteer training, and steep yourselves in all that is REMS. 

On Tuesday, beginning at 8:25am students will meet their teachers on the front lawn.  Parents are welcome to take pictures on the lawn before 8:25am then say farewell so that we may begin our school day. The final bell rings at 8:40am and teachers will lead their crews into their classrooms as RSS Students drum us into the building.  Please preview the Arrivals Process below to be ready to drop off your children for the first day of school. 

Special Announcements:

Welcome to the Crew- New Staff @ REMS: 

D 2/3 Annabel Hernandez          D4/5 Hillary Fendrich          D 5/6 Summer DeHerrera          

4th g. Annie Koozer     SLP - Baillie Murray         SEL Interventionist- Halle McMillan       

 Adventure Ed Assistant- Ashley Cammack 

Fees:  All fees are posted on My School Bucks and are due on this day as well. Voyage and instructional materials fees can be paid through Express Check-in.  Your classroom supply fees, new drums and yearbooks are located in our REMS School Store for purchase. 

A Sneak Peak at REMS: Monday, August 7th 10-11:30 at REMS.  Please stop by Renaissance to meet all of your teachers and get to know our staff.  We will be hosting an open house format for families to come in and get to know us before the school year starts on Monday. Our Parent Crew Foundation will also be hosting Crew in Action, our volunteer training during this time. 

Arrivals/Dismissals Process:  Enclosed are our procedures (Kiss-n-Go Traffic Pattern) for arrivals and departures for school this year.  Parents are welcome to drop students off in the Kiss-n-Go lane or walk up to the front doors at 8:25am. The first bell rings at 8:30am and the final bell at 8:40am. Late students must check in with the office and receive a pass before heading to their classrooms. Please arrive on time.  

During dismissals, parents may park in the school lot or at Metzler and walk up to the lawn or pick up in the Kiss-n-Go lane to retrieve their children. Staff will be supervising crosswalks and the departure lane to ensure safety. When you pick up your student, please make certain that they have notified their teacher that their parent has arrived. 

***Please place a sign in your passenger window with your student(s) name, grade level and teacher to assist us with delivering your student to you. 

Early Release Wednesdays:  Wednesdays will serve as early release days so that our staff may participate in Professional Learning Communities to support REMS programming. Students will participate in a specialized schedule on those days that includes: Workshop Time, The Beat, an All School Lunch and drumming for all crews.  Dismissal is at 1:00pm on Wednesdays and we appreciate your promptness. 

Attendance:  Please call the attendance line (303-387-8002) to report a student's absence, late arrival, or early dismissal.  Early dismissals need to occur before 12:15pm on Wednesdays and 3:15pm all other days of the week to ensure that we are able to process your request in a timely and safe manner. When you arrive for an early dismissal, please call the main office to have your student called from class and come to the main office to sign them out.  

Volunteers:  Volunteers are always welcome at REMS.  Our Parent Crew Foundation will be advertising the many ways that parents/guardians can fulfill their volunteer hours. We ask all families to volunteer a minimum of 40 hours each school year.  All volunteers and visitors to the building will need to bring their driver's license to scan into our RAPTOR System prior to volunteering as well as to complete the Volunteer Paperwork and required training through Parent Crew. 

Parent Crew News: We are so looking forward to doing Crew together with all our volunteers this year!  As per communication from REMS admin, it is required that parents who plan on volunteering, attend one of the Volunteer trainings. Parent Crew Camp fulfilled that, but if you weren't able to attend, there is an upcoming opportunity! 30 minutes sessions will be offered, in person, at Sneak Peek on Monday Aug 7th.  Please sign up for a session here.

Upcoming Dates: 

Tuesday, August 8th: First Day of School for all students! 

Wednesday, August 9 & 16th: Listening Conferences with teacher and parents from 1:30-4:30pm (Your classroom teacher will send a sign-up to schedule)  

Friday, August 11th: School Picture Day! 

Friday, August 17th: Parent Crew Foundation Back to School Carnival from 4:30-7pm.  We'd love to have you volunteer.  Please find out more information on the PCF website

Thank you so much for entrusting us with your children and for your active contribution to our Crew community. I look forward to celebrating this year with you. 

In Crew, 

Ms. Trena 

NEW! News from Mr. Doug

If you'd like to belay during the '23-'24 school year we ask that you attend one of Mr. Doug's belay training sessions. Sign up for the next one here.

NEW! News from our Parent Crew
Crew in Action: Volunteer Training
Partner with REMS in working together to promote “crew”
Monday, Aug 7 @ the Sneak Peek - 30 minute sessions between 10:00 and 11:30am
We are so looking forward to doing Crew together with all our volunteers this year! Last week at our Parent Crew Camp our REMS parents were invited to learn the “why” and the “how” behind what REMS does, and how we as parents can effectively partner with our school in investing in our children. 

As per communication from REMS admin, it is required that parents who plan on volunteering, attend one of the Volunteer trainings. Parent Crew Camp fulfilled that, but if you weren't able to attend, here is an upcoming opportunity!

30 minute sessions will be offered, in person, at Sneak Peek on Monday Aug 7th.

Staff Appreciation: Friday, August 11
Let's welcome back our amazing REMS Staff Crew by filling up the Staff Lounge with their favorite snacks & drinks!
Sign up here

Back-to-School Carnival!
Mark your calendars for August 18th!

Friday, Aug 18 @ 4:30*-7pm, everyone in the family is invited to come to the REMS playground for food, games, and community!

This is a great way to meet other families in your child's crew and see their teachers outside of the classroom.  New families are invited to stop by the Parent Crew booth to pick up a free sticker!
*Please note this event does NOT start right after dismissal this year!

If you'd like to help volunteer at this event, please reach out to our committee chair, Ali Babcock, at or sign up on Track It Forward.

Crew Wear Store
Get ready to show off your Renaissance spirit with our Crew Wear! Our first order this school year will be open this August 4-21, with many great styles including t-shirts and hoodies, sized for the whole family. Order here.
RAD Shirt Sponsors & Volunteering
Save the date for Friday, October 6th.
Did you know that YOUR company can be a sponsor for our upcoming Renaissance Adventure Day?  We are in the process of organizing sponsorships and would like to extend the opportunity to your company to be a sponsor. If you are unsure if your company can participate, we encourage you to reach out to your HR for more information. Any and all sponsorship amounts would be greatly appreciated and will go a long way in helping our school achieve our goal. Please reach out to our RAD Co-Chairs, Terrina Reiber (720) 224-1301 or Allyson Fischer (469) 328-9295 to learn more about being a RAD shirt sponsor or upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Spirit Night at Smart Cow
Join us for the first spirit night of the school year on Tuesday, August 29 at Smart Cow!


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