June 8, 2023

News From Our Crews:

This week was a busy one! We said goodbye to our sixth graders and reflected on an amazing year of learning.

Sixth grade took their last voyage to St. Mary's Glacier.

Sixth grade lead the all-school drum circle.

First grade celebrated summer with a beach-themed day.

Notes from Ms. Trena

Dear REMS Families, 

Thank you for instilling your trust in us to educate your children, your unwavering support of our programming, and for keeping crew in your hearts and actions. You are greatly appreciated and your continued investment in our Crew culture is humbling. 
As we close out this year, we wish to celebrate and send off some of our staff with best wishes on their new journeys. Bon voyage! 

   ~ Ms. Amy Gauthier, SLP            ~Ms. Monica, Counselor 
   ~ Ms. Beth Sanders, EA               ~Ms. Cyndee Holweger, SPED Teacher
   ~ Ms. Sarah Cook, D5/6               ~Ms. Kristen Nein, 4th grade 

We would also like to recognize our long-term substitute teachers: Ms. Angelah, Ms. Jody, Mr. Jonathan, and Ms. Natalie for their commitments to our crews this year! Their support has had an immeasurable impact on our students and we thank them! 
We will share all new staff members who will be joining us for the 23-24 school year in our July newsletter. 

Thank you for such an incredible year with your children.  We have loved the journey and are so grateful to learn alongside them, to love them, and to prepare them for their future endeavors.  Have a wonderful summer. We will see you in August! 

Voyage Fees Presentation 

Here is the comprehensive presentation for Voyage Fees for the 23-24 school year.  If you have questions, please refer the Fees page on the Renaissance website. 

Class Lists for 2023-24

At REMS, we refrain from parent requests for specific teachers so that we can ensure a fair and equitable process for all students. Teachers, Specialists and Administration will be creating class lists for the upcoming 2023-24 school year. We make many considerations such as academics, social/emotional needs, leadership, behavior, and personality of students and teachers to ensure proper placement. It is also a challenge to mix the students up from year to year as we only have two classes of each grade level.

If you have programming needs (IEP, 504, GT, etc...) that you wish to bring to our attention, we ask that you email those to their teacher and Administration.  Please refrain from requesting a particular teacher or pairing students based on friendships for class placements. 

With gratitude, 
Trena L. Hand
Proud Principal

Summertime Note from the Health Room:

As summer begins please take a minute to schedule those school related health provider visits especially if your child will need medications during the day or to be kept "just in case" in the health room.

If your child will need an epipen in the health room, we'd prefer not to have to hassle you if it expires during the school year. Expiration dates after June 2024 would be greatly appreciated. 

Medications for voyages such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, Benadryl that can come packaged individually in standard dosage packets are so much easier for teachers to carry and for us to store in the health room. If your child will have liquid medications, please send the 4 oz bottle. 

I'll be checking my email occasionally through the summer, please reach out with any questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

Have a great summer and see you next year!

Ms. Denise

A Note from Camelot (BASE):

Renaissance Before & After School Program
Our Camelot BASE program is accepting new students.  Enrollment is Free this year, and there are openings in all time slots - before & after school, Wed half days and full days during breaks.  Visit the Camelot BASE website for info about our program and to access the enrollment link.  You can also contact our BASE manager, Heidi Jergenson @ 303-489-4898, hkjergenson@dcsdk12.org.

NEW! News from our Parent Crew

Upcoming Spirit Nights
School's Out Spirit Night at Code Ninjas, Saturday, June 24th! Drop your kids off for a super fun night of STEM fun, pizza, and friends! Ages incoming-2nd grader and up!
Sign up today to RSVP.

All-Parent Crew Camp
SAVE THE DATE for Friday, July 28th from 8:30-12:30! This event is for ALL Renaissance parents to help build our CREW! There will be drumming, volunteer training, adventure education info, and even RAFFLES for the August Volunteer of the Month parking spot and Student Fees! You won't want to miss this exciting community event! Child care will also be available, so sign up early. 

The Parent Crew Board will also be rolling out our 2023/24 Volunteer Agreement, which includes the new streamlined volunteer hours requirement (just 40 hours for all families!), and the guidelines and expectations for our Parent Crew families.

Parent Crew Mentors

The Parent Crew Board is looking for several experienced REMS families who would be able to help our incoming Crew members and show them the ropes... everything from explaining the lingo and what to expect for upcoming voyages! We appreciate your support! Sign up here.

School's Out Spirit Night at Code Ninjas, Saturday, June 24th! Drop your kids off for a super fun night of STEM fun, pizza, and friends! Ages incoming-2nd grader and up! Sign up today to RSVP!

Crew Wear & REMS Gear: 

Have you ordered your crew year yet? We have some great items available, and we will be adding more to the store before the end of this school year. Please check out the Crew Wear Store here.

And swing by the front office to pick up one of our official REMS duffle bags, bento boxes, water bottles, and more!

As we Close out the 2022/2023 school year, PCF wanted to take a few moments to update you on all the good that was accomplished this year, thanks to all of you! First off, thank you so much for all the volunteer work! Currently, you as parent crew have logged an impressive 7714 hours!!!! We could not have had such a great year without all of your support. Every corner of our school and every piece of our students' learning is supported by YOU, our Parent Crew volunteers!  Whether you were in the classroom, an active crew parent, a happy to help anywhere volunteer, a voyage chaperone, a belayer, part of the OLE clean ups, helped with RAD or the Auction or any other spot where help was needed this year, we could not have done it without you!  

Special Thanks to the following:

  • Kendra Arkfeld for being the PCF Volunteer Coordinator  
  • Astrid Kohnke for leading Spirit Nights
  • Lindsey Smithson for leading all the wonderful staff appreciation events
  • Brianna Ranger and Ashley Cammack for being the cruise team
  • Bri Mowen for setting up and managing the crew wear
  • Lauren Picune and her team, for planning and leading the back-to-school carnival!  
  • OLE Clean up - Nick and Leslie Bauer & Mr. Bob for leading the fall and spring events for us!  
  • Rachael Kelley and Allie Waltee for leading and planning RAD.
  • Lindsey Smithson and Sarah Freeman for leading the Book Fair.  
  • Deck the Halls - So many people came together and helped decorate the whole school for the holidays! THANK YOU!
  • Sarah Freeman and Ms. Allison - leading Holiday Adoptions. Thank you, Ms. Allison for providing this opportunity to REMS each year!!!!
  • Special Shout Out to Ms. Staci for putting together the crew art for the auction this year!
  • Bri Mowen and Allie Waltee for leading the auction.
  • Special thanks to Dean Reiber for being our lovable auctioneer!!  
  • Sarah Freeman for leading yearbook
  • Ashley Cammack and Brooke Didomenico for leading the showcases with Ms. Allison and Ms. Amanda  
  • Ms. Cari for being the PCF Staff Liaison this year!
  • Lindsey Smithson for all her work on the grant program
  • The Arkfeld Family for all the special projects this year!!!  
  • The Mental Health team for Hosting Parent Universities 

Also, take a look at how your generosity this year helped us put Crew in action, supporting students, staff and the community! It was a BIG year. Lots of projects were completed and we are just getting warmed up and prepping for another great year...... don't worry though, we want you to enjoy the summer ðŸ™‚ !!!! 

Community Involvement Opportunities:

Summer coding opportunities in Parker & Castle Rock:
Parker Location:

Castle Rock Location: 



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