April 7, 2023

NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena:

As you may already be aware, DCSD will be pursuing another proposed Bond and Mill Levy Override in the November 2023 Election. By passing both proposals, we would receive much needed funding that directly impacts Renaissance. This funding would offer more competitive salaries for teachers and staff, promote the retention of our beloved teachers, offer increased security at our school and help to maintain our aging building. You will find valuable information regarding our funding challenges in DCSD and at REMS located here. If you are interested in learning how funding impacts our local community, please check out this article that I came across this week from the perspective of a Castle Rock business owner. We truly appreciate your commitment to investing in our school community.

With gratitude,

Ms. Trena

NEW! News from our Crews: 

First grade had some fun with science this week while they learned about space and gravity.

The REMS Annual Cup Stacking Tournament was held during this week's BEAT. Congratulations to the finalists!

Ms. Mikaela's crew went on a day hike at Castlewood Canyon.

A Note from Ms. Lisa about CMAS:

State testing season is upon us and we want to make sure you have all of the info you need to help your child be successful on these assessments in April. CMAS testing will take place during the weeks of April 3rd and April 10th. Our testing schedule can be found HERE.

During this time, it is important that students are:

  • At school

  • On time

  • Well rested

  • Have had a good breakfast and bring filling snacks to school

This can truly make a world of difference!

If you choose to have your student not test this year, they will need to stay home during testing session hours as we, unfortunately, have no additional room or staff in the building that are not being used for testing to support them. Please contact ljackson1@dcsdk12.org if you are considering this or have any questions.

Click here for more information and Q & A about CMAS.

A Note from Camelot (BASE):

Renaissance Before & After School Program

Our Camelot BASE program is accepting new students.  Enrollment is Free this year, and there are openings in all time slots - before & after school, Wed half days and full days during breaks.  Visit the Camelot BASE website for info about our program and to access the enrollment link.  You can also contact our BASE manager, Heidi Jergenson @ 303-489-4898, hkjergenson@dcsdk12.org.

NEW! News from our Parent Crew

Parent Crew Board Elections:

Thanks to everyone who has nominated themselves to be a candidate for the Parent Crew Board election! Our Parent Crew is invited to vote now through April 21st by using this form or the paper ballot available in the front office. 

Spirit Night at Code Ninjas:
Kiddos ages 7+ are invited to join us for a very special Parents Night Out, where 100% of the proceeds will be donated to our school on Saturday, April 15 from 4:30-6:30 pm! 
Sign up today for an evening of games and pizza for your kiddos, and child-free relaxation for yourself!

Spirit Night at Parry's Pizza:
A tasty event for the whole family! Join us at Parry's Pizza on Wed. April 12 and 20% of the proceeds will be donated to our school! Good for dine-in or carry-out!

Coffee with the Principal: 
Save the Date! April 19 at 11:15 am in the library. Join us for an informal chat & crew building time with Ms. Trena.

Crew Wear & REMS Gear:
Have you ordered your crew year yet? We have some great items available, and we will be adding more to the store before the end of this school year. Please check out the Crew Wear Store here.
And swing by the front office to pick up one of our official REMS duffle bags, bento boxes, water bottles, and more!


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