April 28, 2023

NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena:

Dear Parents, 
As we approach May, I wanted to take a moment to offer my immense gratitude for your continued dedication to our school community.  Your support, volunteering, and collaboration is invaluable and continues to help grow our Crew community stronger. 

As we begin to wind down our school year with a wealth of celebrations and events that showcase our amazing school, students, and incredible staff; we hope to pause for a moment of reflection in these busy times.  We would sincerely appreciate your feedback so that we can effectively reflect on Crew and improve our practices. 

Enclosed is the 2022-23 school year Parent Survey    Please consider contributing your thoughts on current practices and future programming to ensure continuous improvement here at REMS. 
The survey will close on Monday, May 15th. 
Thank you for your efforts in advance. 

With gratitude,  

Ms. Trena

NEW! News From Our Crews:

It's climbing time! Our crews are enjoying the climbing rotation in PE.

A Note from Ms. Staci:

Come join us for the Art Walk!

NEW! A Note from SAC:

School Accountability Committee Elections!

We have four vacant Parent Representative positions that need to be filled. Three positions are for a two year term, one position is for a one year term. 
The purpose of SAC is to inform, encourage and provide opportunities for parents to be involved behind the scenes of special initiatives, school academic achievement, budgeting, and safety.
This is different to PCF, although we work closely together, with common overarching goals.

Join our SAC Crew!
Information and the nomination form can be found here

Nominations are open April 28 to May 8.

NEW! A Note from Ms. Monica:

 To continue our themed days, please remember that we are encouraging all students, faculty, and staff to wear college gear on Monday, May 1st in celebration of National College Decision Day.  High school seniors around the nation will be making their final selection for where they will attend college in the fall if their post-secondary pathway takes them on that route.

A Note from Camelot (BASE):
Renaissance Before & After School Program

Our Camelot BASE program is accepting new students.  Enrollment is Free this year, and there are openings in all time slots - before & after school, Wed half days and full days during breaks.  Visit the Camelot BASE website for info about our program and to access the enrollment link.  You can also contact our BASE manager, Heidi Jergenson @ 303-489-4898, hkjergenson@dcsdk12.org.

NEW! News from our Parent Crew


Let's send off all our teachers and staff into summer break with all the supplies to enjoy it! Think FRUITS & FLOWERS, fun spirit days, thoughtful gestures to show our love and support for our Renaissance Staff Crew. Sign up to help us get a head start on supplies today.

Spring Climbing:

We need trained belayers to come in and help belay our crews! Sign up here 

OLE Spring Clean Up May 6th :
Mark your calendars as we will be having our spring cleanup out on the OLE May 6th. You bring the tools and we'll have the materials! Sign up here.

Showcase Volunteers Needed: May 10th and May 24th. 
What is Showcase? Our 3rd and 6th-grade crews have the opportunity to share their learning experiences with a panel of Staff/Parent Volunteers. This is a huge celebration for our students and a fantastic opportunity for you to get a look at the growth that takes place during their journey at REMS. Don't worry if you haven't done it before, you will be paired up with a staff member who can help you walk through the process and support these kiddos in sharing their stories. It is a fun, crew/community building opportunity that you do not want to miss out on! 2nd and 5th grade parents are especially encouraged to volunteer so you can see what your kids will be doing next year. Please sign up to help!!!

Crew Wear & REMS Gear: 
Have you ordered your crew year yet? We have some great items available, and we will be adding more to the store before the end of this school year. Please check out the Crew Wear Store here.
And swing by the front office to pick up one of our official REMS duffle bags, bento boxes, water bottles, and more!

Community Involvement Opportunities:


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