March 31, 2023

Reminder: Order your 2022-23 REMS Yearbook on MySchoolBucks if you haven't already!

NEW! News from our Crews:

A big "Thank you!" to Parent Crew for providing the staff with bagels and coffee this week!
Congratulations to Apple Award Winners, Ms. Bethany Marlow & Ms. Donna Montgomery!   They will be honored this Saturday, April 1st at the DCSD Apple Awards Ceremony. 
Please send your congratulations to all of our nominees. 
  • Sarah Cook
  • Cody Cooper 
  • Amanda Deegan 
  • Cari Lazarony
NEW! A Note from School Accountability Committee (SAC): 
If you were unable to attend the March 30th SAC meeting, you can view the minutes here.
NEW! Save the Date:
Please join us in the library on Wednesday, April 19 from 11:30am -12:15pm for Coffee with the Principal.  You are welcome to visit with Ms. Trena and ask her all of your questions regarding programming at REMS. 
A Note from Ms. Lisa about CMAS:
State testing season is upon us and we want to make sure you have all of the info you need to help your child be successful on these assessments in April. CMAS testing will take place during the weeks of April 3rd and April 10th. Our testing schedule can be found HERE.

During this time, it is important that students are:

  • At school

  • On time

  • Well rested

  • Have had a good breakfast and bring filling snacks to school

This can truly make a world of difference!

If you choose to have your student not test this year, they will need to stay home during testing session hours as we, unfortunately, have no additional room or staff in the building that are not being used for testing to support them. Please contact if you are considering this or have any questions.

Click here for more information and Q & A about CMAS.

A Note from Camelot (BASE):

Renaissance Before & After School Program

Our Camelot BASE program is accepting new students.  Enrollment is Free this year, and there are openings in all time slots - before & after school, Wed half days and full days during breaks.  Visit the Camelot BASE website for info about our program and to access the enrollment link.  You can also contact our BASE manager, Heidi Jergenson @ 303-489-4898,

NEW! News from our Parent Crew

CMAS Snack Baskets
Help support our Staff & Students during CMAS! We're looking for HEALTHY snack options to help keep brains and bodies fueled and focused. Donations are due by MONDAY, April 4th with the option to deliver additional supplies on Wednesday, April 6th. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF ANY OTHER DAY, as the students will be actively testing!
Sign up here.

Join the Parent Crew Board- Nominations Due Friday 4/7!
It's once again time for our Parent Crew Board elections! 
Learn more about this opportunity to serve our school and nominate yourself to be on the ballot here.

Spring Auction Recap
The numbers are in! Our Renaissance Auction raised just over $50,000 for our school! We couldn't have done it without our generous parent community and event sponsors!

Spirit Night at Parry's Pizza
Join us on April 12th for a delicious spirit night at Parry's Pizza! Available for dine-in or carry-out, just mention you're there to support REMS and 20% will come back to our school!


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