December 9, 2022

Notes From Ms. Trena

This week, I would like to take a few moments of gratitude for several of our crew community members for their benevolence and impact on our crew family here at REMS!

~ Ms. Allison for her unwavering dedication to the Holiday Adoptions Program.  Her program serves families in the Castle Rock and Parker communities that are facing hardships by bringing them a wonderful holiday celebration. 

~ Our "Deck the Halls Crew" for beautifying our school with holiday decorations.  What a gift to witness on Monday morning! 
~ Our families for donating socks, gifts for the Holiday Adoptions, decorations, belay training, volunteering, and donations for Red Envelope.  Your contributions and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated! 
~Ms. Allie Waltee, our PCF President, who has been integral in overseeing all of the special projects happening at REMS, including the installation of the climbing wall. 

~ Our AMAZING Front Office (Ms. Cari, Ms. Denise, Ms. Hope and Ms. Sam) for working so hard everyday to ensure safety and support our students, families and staff! 

With kind regards, 
Trena L. Hand
Proud Principal 

Our Lost & Found is Being Donated

Our Lost & Found is slowly creeping down the hall. If you are missing something please make the time to come check next week. We will be donating all unclaimed items on Friday, December 9th

Elementary Progress Reports 

Elementary Progress Reports (EPRs) will be released to parents in the Parent Portal on Friday, December 23 at 9am.  This is an essential snapshot to view your child's current progress towards standards mastery in the first semester.  Our teachers spend a great amount of time reporting out on each child's progress on grade level expectations each semester.  Parents, please take a few minutes to review your child's progress for the 2022-23 school year. 

NEW! Staff Spotlights:

Get to know some of our amazing staff that's new at REMS this year! Did you know Ms. Erin, our librarian lived in Greece? Or Ms. Amy, our SLP, has never lived where it snows? Ms. Cyndee, from the SPED team, loves to watch a good drag race! Learn more at their spotlights below.

Save The Date: Parent/Teacher Data Conferences:

Parent/Teacher Data Conferences will be held on December 14th.  Your child's teacher will be reaching out to you to schedule individual conferences to review your child's progress in the first semester. This is an excellent time to review data, determine progress with grade level expectations and to anticipate plans for the second semester. 

NEW! News from our Parent Crew

The Red Envelope Holiday Giving project is in full force! Look for the envelope in your youngest (or only) child's folder for information about how, where, and when to spread a little generosity to all our amazing REMS staff! The deadline to give is December 20th! You can also visit our website here to donate or check out our staff's favorite things.

Volunteer opportunities: 
We have LOTS of ways for you to get involved around our school every day!
Holiday Adoptions Wrapping Party: TOMORROW, Saturday Dec 10th at 10am!
Car Line: help keep our crews SAFE at drop off and pick up.
Lunch supporthelp our kiddos stay focused at lunch time (please do not eat with your kiddo if you sign up, we need your help with all our kiddos!).
Climbing Support: climbing is back and we need all our trained belayers to help make this happen for our kiddos! Sign up for shifts before/after your kiddos' crews too!

Meet our Volunteer of the Month:
Kathie's family is new to REMS this year but has been involved in so many activities, from RAD, to Book fair, to auction! Get to know more here.

Fundraising Cruise to Alaska:
Come join us on Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 06:00 PM for a Zoom Meeting to learn more about our REMS Fundraising Cruise to Alaska, whether you have already booked or have questions and are looking to book into this amazing fundraiser for our school. Hear from Princess Cruises, Cruise Vacation Planner Jeff Stanley, to learn about the voyage, activities both onboard and off, and so much more! Bring your questions and get ready for some fun!


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