November 4, 2022
NEW! News from our Crews!
1st grade invited their families in to celebrate their writing. We are so proud of all of your hard work!
6th grade has been working hard in Performing Arts learning the ukulele.
Please review our website there's lots of helpful information on there.
Important Dates:
Open Enrollment Round One is November 1, 2022 at 8am - December 1, 2022 at 4pm.
Families can see offers on December 10th at 8am by logging into EngagED Parent Portal.
Families have until December 17th at 4pm to accept offers.
Second Round will open January 24th, 2023 and run through August 1st, 2023
Families enrolling siblings:
If you are enrolling a sibling at REMS please let us know by filling out this form. Remember, even
if a new student is a sibling you must fill out the Open Enrollment paperwork.
Families leaving REMS:
Please let our office staff know as soon as possible if you plan to withdraw from REMS for the 23-24
school year.
Renaissance Middle School Enrollment opens November 1st. (At RSS)
Attend an information session and tour to learn more about Middle School at Renaissance Secondary School. Upcoming Tours are:
Wednesdays at 9:30AM
November 9th, 16th, 23rd, & 30th
Saturday, November 12th at 9:30AM
RSVP for a Tour
Learn More. Questions? Email
NEW! Turkey Trot
The 18th Annual Turkey ROCK Trot is Nov. 24th (Thanksgiving Morning)!
Join the Renaissance Raptor Runners Team and use code RSTRT22 for a discounted registration fee!
When registering, select "Join Team" at the top of the registration page and choose Renaissance Raptor Runners.
The ROCK Trot is HUGE for the Renaissance community! We've won the award for the "Fittest Flock" (largest team) several years running and we DON'T WANT TO LOSE OUR STREAK!!! Make it a fun, family morning! Get huffin' and puffin' before the stuffin'!
This race starts and ends at the DC Fairgrounds & Expo Center and is for all levels of runners and walkers! Vendors and entertainment are inside for a fun family-friendly atmosphere!
The Turkey ROCK Trot benefits the Hope & Help Center which provides assistance to residents in Douglas and Elbert Counties.
Register today to keep our "Fittest Flock" title!
NEW! Election News:
Election Day is approaching! Please consider voting for REMS' funding needs in the Bond/Mill Levy Override.
Election day is quickly approaching. Be sure to turn in your ballot by November 8. Find a ballot box or voting location near you - Be sure to complete both sides of the ballot!
DCSD Funding Needs- Video link
We are so thrilled to welcome back our traditional Thanksgiving Meal at REMS on November 15th during your student's designated lunch time. Please use the QR code below to pay for your meal. Students will pay from their lunch accounts the day of the meal. Due to ordering and space available in the cafe, please keep RSVPs to one family member per household. We look forward to celebrating this special day together as a community!
We care deeply about our students’ educational success as valued members of our Crew. One of the key components to a child’s educational success is consistent attendance at school. In fact, did you know a student is considered chronically absent if they are currently missing more than 10% of the school year? While we realize there are a variety of circumstances that can create a need for your child to be absent, we want to remind parents that absences of a personal nature should be limited and taken during scheduled breaks. We are noticing a high number of students missing school for prearranged vacations/time off during school.
Please ensure that your student(s) is arriving and in their seat before the 8:40 am tardy bell. We consistently have 30-40+ students coming in after the tardy bell on a daily basis. Late arrivals can be disruptive to our students and their crews.
Please see the REMS Attendance page on the website for details. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Dismissal Procedures:
In order to make dismissal easier for everyone once we return from Fall Break, we are asking parents who use our Kiss and Go Line to place their students' names and crew in their windshield. The school will be sending home these plaques. Feel free to use these or homemade ones.
DID YOU KNOW? You can link your King Soopers loyalty account to help our school raise money at no additional cost to you! Here's how:
Simply visit the appropriate link below..
- For King Soopers Stores - go to
To Use the King Soopers or City Market Community Rewards Program:
If you don't have a King Soopers loyalty card, you will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a loyalty card. Once logged into your King Soopers account, visit "my account" > "community rewards" then search for Renaissance Educational Alliance either by name or WR833 and then click "Enroll."
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