March 11, 2022

Have a safe and adventurous Spring Break!

Students will return to the building on Tuesday, March 29th.

NEW! Coming this Spring:

NEW! Archery Update:

Congratulations to all the students who participated and placed in the 2022 Colorado NASP Tournament! In this archery tournament, archers shoot a total of 30 arrows each from distances of 10 and 15 meters. The top three teams in each division are awarded trophies and the top five in both the boys and girls categories are awarded medals. 

REMS teams took both 1st and 3rd place in the Elementary Division, along with 2nd place in the Middle School Division. Twelve of our students placed in the top 10 of their categories, including McKenna B, who placed first among all the elementary girls who competed. 

Well done, Crew! We're proud of your hard work and dedication. If any students who placed in the top ten of their category wish to compete in the National Tournament, they can contact Mr. Doug.

CMAS Reminder:

CMAS- Save the Dates (3rd-6th grade only)

This year's CMAS testing will occur from April 4-14, 2022. Please check the State Assessment tab on our website  for schedules and other important information regarding the testing time.  If you plan to opt your student out of CMAS, you will find the CMAS Excusal form linked there as well.  Please be advised that students who are opted out will need to remain at home during testing hours.

News from our Parent Crew!:
BON VOYAGE: Early Bird Auction Tickets Available Now!

Make an additional donation to the school along with any in-person or virtual early bird ticket purchase now through March 15, 2022. The donor with the highest donation will win a pair of tickets to see the hit Broadway musical, Hamilton! Tickets are for the 8:00pm show on Saturday, March 26th at the Buell Theater in Denver. The seats are AMAZING!

The auction committee is still seeking sponsorships and items for the auction event, learn more here:

Board Nominations Needed!

The Parent Crew Board will have two open positions for the 2022/23 school year!
Love all things Renaissance and want to get involved in the planning behind the scenes? The Parent Crew Board needs you! Interested candidates should be able to commit to serving a two-year term and learn the basics of Parent Crew operations to help make sure REMS receives the full support of the Parent Crew to fulfill its mission and vision in the coming years.
To nominate yourself for this position, please fill out the form below:

Wish Week: Earth Day Celebration!

Renaissance is excited to partner with RSS to celebrate Wish Week! We will be providing all our teachers and staff with t-shirts to wear during the spirit week, and we are asking our parents to provide a $20 donation per student, to cover the cost if they are able. We are looking forward to all the great activities our Crews are putting together for this cause, and thank you for your generosity! Donate HERE.

NEW! Community Involvement Opportunities!:

NEW! for 6th graders and their families:

Reminder about Milk Tops for Mooola:

Our school collects milk tops from Longmont Dairy. There's a collection box in our front lobby, or you can leave them at the front desk. Check the flier below for additional details.


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