February 25, 2022

REMS Staff has a BIG "Thank You":

A big thank you to our Kindergarten and 1st grade parents for all the goodies and sweet treats they donated to the staff today. The quotes from the students about why they love school were so precious!

Reminders from Ms. Trena:

CMAS- Save the Dates (3rd-6th grade only)

This year's CMAS testing will occur from April 4-14, 2022. Please check the State Assessment tab on our website  for schedules and other important information regarding the testing time.  If you plan to opt your student out of CMAS, you will find the CMAS Excusal form linked there as well.  Please be advised that students who are opted out will need to remain at home during testing hours.

NEW! News from our Crews!:

4th grade Big Buddies came to have community reading with their Kindergarten friends:

Our sixth grade crews have been working on "exquisite corpses" in Visual Arts:

First grade had their Winter Voyage at Stone Canyon:

NEW! News from our Parent Crew!:
BON VOYAGE: Early Bird Auction Tickets Available Now!

Make an additional donation to the school along with any in-person or virtual early bird ticket purchase now through March 15, 2022. The donor with the highest donation will win a pair of tickets to see the hit Broadway musical, Hamilton! Tickets are for the 8:00pm show on Saturday, March 26th at the Buell Theater in Denver. The seats are AMAZING! 


The auction committee is still seeking sponsorships and items for the auction event, learn more here: https://remsparentcrew.weebly.com/rems-auction.html


The Renaissance Staff and Parent Crew Board want to share their gratitude for the outpouring of support this year.  If you haven't started tracking your 40 hours yet, (or 60 for families with multiple students at REMS), please log in to Track-It Forward today!

If you're still looking for ways to get involved, especially for families who work during the school day, please reach out to the Renaissance Auction committee who need anything from sponsorships to phone calls & emails made, and more! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, without which we cannot sustain the levels of support around our building and continue to supplement voyage costs!

There are also lots of little ways to support REMS that are deeply appreciated, with Staff Appreciation, Car Line support, and planning Student Showcase celebrations. (See a list of many opportunities here.)

Again, we deeply appreciate your commitment to volunteering at least 40 hours as a REMS family. Without you, we can't make the magic happen!

REMS Auction Fundraiser Returns April 23rd! 

Auction Update: Got Space? 

The Auction committee is looking for families who would be able to donate a week or weekend in their vacation or rental property as an auction item! Contact Erin & Colleen at RenaissanceElementaryAuction@gmail.com.

The Auction team needs your help! Love being creative or crafty? How about being organized & checking off a to-do list? We're looking for 3-4 volunteers to help with Crew Art and Procurement ASAP! Contact the Auction Committee leads, Erin & Colleen at RenaissanceElementaryAuction@gmail.com to learn more!

Community Involvement Opportunity:
Reminder about Milk Tops for Mooola:

Our school collects milk tops from Longmont Dairy. There's a collection box in our front lobby, or you can leave them at the front desk. Check the flier below for additional details.


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