January 7, 2022

NEW! Battle of the Books!

Our REMS 3/4 & 5/6 Battle of the Books teams participated in a mock battle hosted by Douglas County Libraries this week. Both teams did exceptional and we are so proud of all their hard work. The teams will have two more weeks of practice before the official battles begin.

NEW! Note from Ms. Trena:

Dear Renaissance families, 

Happy New Year!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season with your families.  It was a wonderful time to rejuvenate and celebrate the joys that this season had to offer.  It was so great to see the kids so excited to come back to school today and share all of their holiday celebrations! 

Now that we are back in session, I wanted to communicate some new updates in regards to COVID-19 mitigation with all of you.   Since we have seen a spike in positive cases over the holiday break, DCSD has communicated some procedural updates to our community in an effort to keep our schools safe. 

At REMS, we will follow these same protocols to protect our school community and we are asking for your help with this.  

  • We are highly encouraging students and staff to wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and will continue to offer cleaning and disinfection of surfaces throughout the school day.
  • We have received air purifiers provided by the district for every classroom and office space in our building. 
  • We are requesting that visitors to our building please wear a mask if they wish to spend over fifteen minutes volunteering indoors. 
  • Positive cases will isolate for 5 days, and if symptoms are resolving and are fever free for 24 hoursthey may return wearing a mask for the next 5 days.
  • If someone has been exposed, they may come to work/school as long as they are symptom free, but must wear a mask for 10 days.  Testing can be done on day 5 after exposure.
  • Please continue to communicate with the office when absent, isolating or quarantining.
We wish to continue to safely run our Winter Voyages this January through March.  These are the new procedures we are asking our families to work with us on in order to safely allow students to attend voyages: 
  • We are encouraging families, chaperones, and staff to take a Binax at-home test or a PCR test to receive a negative result before attending voyages. 
  • If anyone in the home has been exposed to a positive case in the last ten days, is symptomatic, or has tested positive, please refrain from attending voyages.   
  • Masks will need to be worn on buses to and from voyages unless you have a documented medical exemption from a licensed physician.
  • Air purifiers will be provided for cabins. 
  • Masks will also need to be worn indoors at KSS with the exception of sleeping and eating. 
Please understand that our staff will continue to ensure that safety is our first priority both in the classroom and out on voyages.  We sincerely appreciate your willingness to support these efforts in a collaborative effort to remain in person and continue with our Adventure Ed programming during the Spring season. 

With kind regards, 

Ms. Trena 

NEW! Parent Crew Involvement Opportunities:

The REMS Auction Fundraiser Returns April 23rd! 

The Auction team needs your help! Love being creative or crafty? How about being organized & checking off a to-do list? We're looking for 3-4 volunteers to help with Crew Art and Procurement ASAP! Contact the Auction Committee leads, Erin & Colleen at RenaissanceElementaryAuction@gmail.com to learn more!

Winter Excite-Mint Staff Appreciation! 

Help us put together a Mint-er Wonderland basket for the staff lounge. Minty gum, candy, cookies, chapstick, and teas are all welcome! Mint hand soap and lotions for the staff restrooms would also be a happy addition.

Spirit Night at Chuck E. Cheese! 

Join us Friday, January 21st for a fun night at Chuck E. Cheese while we raise money for Renaissance! Location: 7510 Parkway Dr., Littleton, CO 80124

See you there!

NEW! News from Ms. Monica:

If you're interested in attending, please RSVP HERE.


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