December 3, 2021

NEW! Note from Ms. Trena:

Apple Awards 2021-22

The links are open and the Douglas County Foundation is accepting nominations for the 2022 Apple Awards until December 17th. You can find the links here to nominate and celebrate our amazing REMS staff!

NEW! This week in our Crew:

1st grade Archery with Mr. Doug.

A visit from Buttercup, the Castle View High School Service Dog!

NEW! A note from 4th grade:

We are collecting bread bags to bring up to Keystone Science School (KSS ) on our winter voyage. We will be happy to have bags for our crews and to deliver KSS extra bags so they can use them with other schools.  Plus, it prevents the soft plastic from going directly into the trash and gives it another use-yeah sustainability! We have collection bags outside the 4th-grade classrooms and in the cafeteria.


Parent Crew Involvement Opportunities:

Volunteer coordinator needed!
Help the Parent Crew connect and coordinate or volunteers with opportunities around Renaissance! We are currently seeking a new Volunteer Coordinator to help support us! If you are interested, please email Gina Meachum at ASAP!

Backyard Bakeries Holiday Fundraiser:

Want to help support REMS and gift some adorable, delicious treats? Backyard Bakeries is pairing with us again for our holiday fundraiser. Starting Nov 1st- Dec 23rd we will be getting 20% on all your orders! Check out all their amazing treats here:

NEW! Staff Crew Spotlight:

Get to know the Renaissance 2nd & 3rd-grade teams!

Read all about how Ms. Julie has transitioned to her new role on the 2nd grade team here, and don't forget to check out Ms. Dana here, and Ms. Mikaela here.

Learn all about our new 3rd-grade teacher, Ms. Erica:
"My students say I’m a kid trapped in an adult’s body and I’d have to agree. Teaching is my most favorite thing to do and I love that I can share my love for learning with my Crew every day.  I’ve always been a hands-on learner and I treat my teaching the same. We learn by doing so I try to make each lesson as hands-on as possible."
Check out the rest of Ms. Erica's spotlight here:

Renaissance is excited to welcome Ms. Abbie as our Discovery 2/3 Teacher:
"I love everything about REMS philosophy and programming.  After initially subbing at REMS... I am convinced it is the best school in the district.  I am especially excited about adventure education because I am so passionate about protecting the Earth and its animals and plants."
Read Ms. Abbie's spotlight here:

Service Opportunity:

A few bullet points to remember: 

  • Shopper Online Registration will be LIVE on Monday, October 4th.
  • Schools/Families can be involved in 2 ways:
  • (1) HAVE A NEED. Offering the opportunity for families in your school to register to shop at the Christmas Store. This is a way to provide another layer of support.
  • (2) MEET A NEED. Be a toy and outerwear collection location. Be willing to donate outerwear in your Lost & Found to the Store.
  • The money collected from this event goes towards the event itself and will also be poured back into the needs of the Castle Rock schools.


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