October 29, 2021

NEW! Big Thank You!:

A BIG thank you to all the crew parents, volunteer parents, and staff who made the Halloween parade possible. It was so great to see the kids participating in these celebrations again! Keep an eye out for the link to the Halloween Parade Video.

NEW! Book Fair Information:

Time Machine Book Fair!


The Book Fair is coming to Town, November 15-19!!  

Book Fair Hours
Monday, Nov 15 - 8am-5pm
Tuesday, Nov 16 - 8am - 5pm
Wednesday, Nov 17 - 8am - 5pm
Thursday, Nov 18 - 8am - 5pm
Friday, Nov 19 - 8am - 1pm

Want to get a head start on perusing what the fair has to offer? Or set up an EWallet for your student? Then click here to check out our school's scholastic website!


Join in the fun as we celebrate reading across the decades! Click here for our Costumes Thru the Ages schedule. It’s going to be totally gnarly, dude!

Any questions? Contact Ms. Kelly (kshumaker1@dcsdk12.org)

NEW! News from Ms. Monica:

Here is the link to a new video helping kids understand anxiety: Understanding Your Brain and How Anxiety Fits Into the Picture

On November 2 at 6:00pm Dr. Cypers will host a live zoom session for any parent that would like to get more information after watching the video.  Please log in to get your questions answered in real time and speak with Dr. Cypers.

Here is that link:  https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/97435068166

NEW! Volunteer Opportunities:

Staff Appreciation:
Let's show our staff some love and put together a Baked Potato Bar for them! Please select an item, or items, from the list to provide for the staff lunch on Monday 11/1. You can drop off your non-perishable items 10/25-10/29. Please drop off fresh food items on 11/1 before 11am. If you have any questions contact Lindsey
(lindsey.lewis35@gmail.com) OLE Clean-up Day: The Parent Crew is looking for someone who can coordinate with the AMAZING Mr. Bob to plan an OLE
Clean-up Day before the winter weather sets in! This will be a weekend project (usually Saturday OR Sunday) where a team of volunteers brings their own tools & supplies to make sure the Outdoor Learning Environment stays safe and in good repair! If you are interested in helping head up this team, please email Gina Meachum (regina.meachum@gmail.com).

NEW! Mask Updates:
Please understand that we must continue to ensure that all students, staff, and visitors to our school wear a mask while indoors. At this time, we will continue to follow DCSD's policy in honoring only documented medical exemption forms from a licensed physician. We will not be able to honor parent requests for mask exemptions. We appreciate your cooperation.

Community Involvement Opportunities:


  1. This just in! The Baked Potato Bar has been moved to Weds. November 3rd!


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