February 28, 2025
News from Ms. Trena:
Dear REMS Families,
I want to offer my gratitude to parents, chaperones, staff crew, our students and Ms. Ashley for such an awesome Winter voyage season! Voyages take an incredible amount of time and energy to plan and execute. They provide meaningful life experiences for our students and we are all witnesses to the profound impact that Adventure Education has on the educational journeys of our kids. We are so fortunate to have a supportive and trusting community who believes in the value of a holistic education and to our dedicated staff for their personal sacrifices to make voyages a success! Kudos on a great season!
Important Dates:
3/3/25-3/7/25: Read Across America Week (Spirit Week- see below)
3/10/25-3/21/25: Spring Break
3/25/25: Spring Picture Day
Enjoy the beautiful weekend!
In Crew,
News from Our Crews:
Read Across America Week!
Help us celebrate Read Across America Week REMS style! Remember to bring in a wrapped gently used children's book on your child's library day so we can share our love of reading by swapping books. Also take note of our book genre themed spirit days. Let's spread some book joy!
Discovery Crews:
The Discovery Crews presented on respect and kindness during the whole school Beat. Each crew shared examples of kindness and respect presented through the art project created with Ms. Staci. Additionally, the students rocked out to the song Respect by Aretha Franklin. It ended with a challenge to the whole school to show kindness and respect by asking students to write acts of kindness and respect on paper to create a paper chain that will be displayed in the main hallway. We are excited to watch this chain grow as we know there are so many acts of kindness and respect around our building!
Ms. Summer- D6:
D6 worked on making a fully playable board game that included any math concept. Students included concepts between 3 math curriculums (6th, 7th, and 8th) and intertwined their understandings with various levels of difficulty. We had the opportunity to play many of the games on Thursday and will have another game time next week!
4th Grade Crews:
4th Grade started their Winter Sowing project to start growing plants for the school garden. Thank you to all of our families who donated milk containers!
Kindie and 4th Grade Crews:
Kindie and 4th grade crews went to the skate park to learn about incline planes and their effect on wheels and axels for their unit on simple machines.
2nd Grade & 3rd Grade Voyage:
Check out some pictures from Winter Voyage at Keystone Science School!
6th Grade Crews:
This month, our 6th graders explored atomic structure by looking at everyday objects through different perspectives, unlocking new knowledge along the way! Using microscopes, students examined fish scales, feathers, and fly legs, sketching them at different magnifications (1x, 4x, and 10x) to see the intricate details we don’t usually notice.
We also dove into the Periodic Table to learn about the elements and how their atomic structure influences the world around us. To bring this knowledge to life, students created molecular structures using Phet simulations and molecular model kits, visualizing how atoms bond to form molecules.
Through microscopes, models, and simulations, our students have gained a deeper understanding of how tiny particles shape the world around us. This journey has sparked curiosity and set the stage for more advanced science concepts in the future!
Spring Climbing Week:
Spring Climbing is right around the corner. Here is the link for the schedule so that you can sign up to belay our crews. Please only sign up to help if you have been trained by Mr. Doug.
News from Parent Crew:
Freddy's Spirit Night
When: March 5th, 4 - 8 PM
Where: Freddy's on 1346 New Beale St. Castle Rock, CO 80108 (next to Lowes)
Why: Support REMS and get an easy and delicious dinner for your family!
Remember to like and share our fundraiser over on social media! Encourage your friends and family members who go to use our code and support REMS!
Get your climber ready for an unforgettable adventure at CampGrippen this summer! Our camps aren’t just about climbing – they play games, crate stack, king swing, & fun all day long! Let us help you get your kids off their devices and worn out!
Spring Break: Friday March 14th - Friday 21st
Summer Camps: May 27th - August 13th
For kids: 7 to 13 years of age
1/2 Day Camps: 5 & 6 year olds
Times: 8:30am to 5pm (extended hours available).
Lunch & snacks included.
Gift Card Bonanza
That random gift card that's sitting unused in your junk drawer, at the bottom of your purse, in your car's center console, etc? It might be partially used, or from a business that isn't your favorite, or maybe you just forgot about it and it won't be missed. Participate in our school's Gift Card Bonanza, and donate it towards the school's auction! Your donation might be someone's treasure! We're building a supply of gift cards, to be used in the auction in a fun and rewarding way! Drop your cards off at the front office. Thank you!
Crew Baskets
Please remember to sign up to contribute to your Crew Baskets for Auction Night! You should have received an email from your Crew Parent with all the information and a link to sign up. If you have any questions please reach out to your Crew Parent or to Ali Babcock at alisaerin@gmail.com
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