December 13, 2024

6th Grade Crews at the Denver Art Museum on Fieldwork

News from Ms. Trena:

Dear REMS Families, 

Let the countdown to Winter Break begin! We are eagerly anticipating all of the joy and celebration that the next week at REMS will bring!  As we close out our first semester, we wish to offer our families a deep sense of gratitude for your partnership and contributions to our school Crew.  Your countless volunteer hours, donations, words of encouragement, and trust continue to contribute to the thriving culture of Crew at REMS.  

As we continue into the next semester, let us as a crew focus on trust—a cornerstone of our school community. Trust allows us to foster meaningful relationships, encourage collaboration, and create a safe space for our students to explore, learn, and grow.

As parents, teachers, and staff, let’s continue to model trust by listening, supporting one another, and keeping our commitments. By demonstrating these values, we help our students understand the importance of trust in their own lives and interactions. Thank you for entrusting us with your children. 

Let’s continue to build stronger connections together!  

With gratitude, 

Soccer Goals:
Our new soccer goals will be installed over Winter Break! We are so grateful for the RAD fundraiser and the ability to provide updated outdoor equipment for our students!

Delayed Starts:
Parents, please be aware that if we have a Delayed Start that the school doors will open at 9:55AM to welcome students.  The cafe will not be serving breakfast on those days.  

Important Dates: 
12/18: Winter Beat Performance - All School
            9-9:45 K-3 Performance 
            9:45-10:20 4-6 Performance  
12/20: Last Day for Students/ Classroom Holiday celebrations
12/21: Elementary Progress Reports released 
12/21- 1/6: Winter Break 
1/6: Teacher Professional Development Day 
1/7: Students return to school  

News from Our Crews:

1st Grade-
We need your expertise!
Upon our return from Winter Break, our first graders will be studying countries from around the world. We are in need of expert speakers to help our students learn more about these places. 
Do you have a connection to? 
New Zealand
South Africa

If yes, and you are willing to serve as an expert during the school day, please complete this Google Form. Thank you for your support! 


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