September 20, 2024
4th Grade Crews on Voyage This Week News from Ms. Trena: Dear REMS Families, We had such a great turnout at Movie Night! Thank you so much for supporting Crew Community! October Count: VERY IMPORTANT! Our October student count for the 24-25 school year is upon us! It is crucial that all students are present at REMS on Tuesday, October 1, 2023 to ensure that we are able to get fully funded from the state for every student that is enrolled with us. Essential funding for every enrolled student is a priority to continue to fund our Magnet programming. This helps us to maintain small class sizes, Adventure Education, Social Emotional Wellness, and Expeditionary Learning programs. Please refrain from showing up late or scheduling early pick-ups for appointments on this day. We greatly appreciate your support. Supervision on Campus After Hours: Once teachers have released your student to your care at dismissal, childr...