
Showing posts from September, 2024

September 20, 2024

4th Grade Crews on Voyage This Week News from Ms. Trena: Dear REMS Families,  We had such a great turnout at Movie Night! Thank you so much for supporting Crew Community!  October Count: VERY IMPORTANT!   Our October student count for the 24-25 school year is upon us!  It is crucial that  all students are present at REMS on Tuesday, October 1, 2023  to ensure that we are able to get fully funded from the state for every student that is enrolled with us.  Essential funding for every enrolled student is a priority to continue to fund our Magnet programming. This helps us to maintain small class sizes, Adventure Education, Social Emotional Wellness, and Expeditionary Learning programs.  Please refrain from showing up late or scheduling early pick-ups for appointments on this day.  We greatly appreciate your support.  Supervision on Campus After Hours:  Once teachers have released your student to your care at dismissal, children will need to be actively supervised by a parent if you plan t

September 13, 2024

D4/5 Crews on Voyage this week.   News from Ms. Trena: Please check out the funding email that I sent out earlier this week regarding the 5A bond proposal. You can find valuable funding information for our school   here.   NEW!  UPDATES-  see new   Drop-off and Pick-up procedures  Important Dates:  9/19/24:  PCF Movie on the Lawn   Supply & Volunteer Sign Up 9/20/24:  Professional Development Day- no school for students 10/11/24 : Renaissance Adventure Day (RAD) With kind regards,  News from Our Crews: Ms. Hillary's D4/5 Crew: Check out some photos from D4/5's Voyage this week! Ms. JoAnna's 6th Grade Crew: 6th Graders at REMS independently engaged in an enriching financial literacy project centered around designing their own food truck businesses! Students explored basic economic concepts by creating detailed food truck models, developing budgets, crafting menus with prices, and designing unique logos. Each student took on real world roles such as designer, budget manag

September 6, 2024

3rd Grade Crews Paddling While on Voyage This Week News from Ms. Trena: Dear REMS Families,  This week I have loved getting into our classrooms to read to crews.  My current favorite children's book is  Big Breath  by William Meyers, where students learn the importance of mindful breathing to regulate their bodies when things feel hard or out of their control.  It was so fun to see our crews practice mindful breathing and to chat with them on how something as easy as breathing can calm our brains and bodies.  Teaching mindfulness to children can be a valuable way to help them manage stress, improve focus, and develop emotional resilience. Here are some age-appropriate breathing activities to introduce mindfulness to children.  Feel free to try them at home.  1. Simple Breathing Exercises Bubble Breathing:  Have children imagine they are blowing bubbles. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth, picturing bubbles floating away. Flower and Candle:  Instruct