
Showing posts from February, 2024

February 23, 2024

Important  Dates: Feb. 26-27th: 2nd grade KSS Voyage; DOR : Feb. 28th Feb. 29:  Bethany's Crew Fieldwork  Mar. 1st: Lauren's Crew Fieldwork  Mar. 6th: 4th grade CO Musical  Mar. 11-22nd : Spring Break  NEW! News from Ms. Trena March Crew Value : Courage  This month we are focusing on the core value COURAGE. At REMS, we offer our students a wealth of opportunities to enhance their skills to be courageous learners through voyages, trying new things, climbing, and taking academic risks. Being courageous and taking calculated risks builds grit and resilience for future opportunities beyond the classroom.  Here are some great examples to encourage your child to be brave from Dr. Tali Shenfield from  Advanced Psychology Services :  Explain what courage looks like and feels like in our bodies Encourage mistakes.  Courage is the ability to make mistakes and learn from them.  FAIL is our First Attempt at Learning. Try new things. Affirm their courageous choices.  Be the example and mod

February 16, 2024

Important  Dates: Feb. 16:  No School - Professional Development Day  Feb. 19:   No School -Presidents Day Feb. 20 -23:  Discovery D6 Winter Voyage;  Feb. 26:  Day of Rest  February Crew Value : Service  NEW! News from our Crews: What an awesome week of adventure at REMS!   A Request from Our Crew:  As a community we want to focus on stewardship with our students.  Parents, we would appreciate having some dinner table discussions on what stewardship looks like in action at home and a school.  In our classrooms, hallways, and in the cafe we are focusing on how to show integrity and stewardship in our actions and interactions with others.  This could be cleaning up our spaces after we finish a task, helping clean up the cafe, having kind and respectful interactions with others, etc... Having these conversations at home continually reinforces our efforts here at school in the spirit of Crew! Thank you for your continued support of our core values.    In Crew,  Ms. Trena  Kindie spent some

February 9, 2024

Important  Dates: Feb. 12-14th: 3rd gradeVoyage; Feb. 15th Day of Rest  Feb. 14: Valentine's Day Celebration Feb. 16: No School - Professional Development Day  Feb. 19:  No School -Presidents Day Feb. 20 -23: Discovery D6 Winter Voyage; Feb. 26:  Day of Rest  February Crew Value : Service  NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena: Dear Parents,  We have had a very busy week at Renaissance this week!  Seeing our students take pride in their work and celebrate their successes was certainly a highlight for me.    Here are some glimpses from our adventures! We are Crew.  Discovery's Voyage:  Ms. Sami's Crew's Beat:  Read Around the World Day:  2nd grade's Writing Celebration: Reminder:  Parents, please remember that if you are picking up your child early for an appointment, we ask that you respectfully arrive fifteen minutes prior to the end of the day .  It is very difficult for our classroom teachers to juggle late dismissals while closing out their day with their crews. Thank