August 25, 2023
NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena:
Upcoming Important Dates:
Aug. 28- Sept.1: 6th grade Voyage/Day of Rest
Aug. 29- Sept. 1: 2nd grade D2/3 Voyage/Day of Rest
Sept. 4: Labor Day- No School
Sept. 5- 8: 3rd grade Voyage/Day of Rest
Bond/Mill Levy Update:
Please drive cautiously through our crosswalks. We appreciate your willingness to be "free of distractions" (cell phones) as you cruise through the carline and our parking lot, so that you can watch for pedestrians. This ensures safety in our community!
NEW! News from our Crews:
Thank you to everyone who attended the Back to School Carnival! This year's event was a memorable one.
4th-6th Grade: It's not too late to sign up for Band or Orchestra!
This year REMS is hosting after school programs for both band and orchestra. Students wanting to learn string instruments (violin, viola, cello, or bass) can sign up for orchestra. Students wanting to learn wind (woodwind or brass) and percussion instruments can sign up for band. This LINK takes you to the sign-up site. Renaissance Band is on page 1 and Renaissance Orchestra is on page 2. If you want more information about the classes or wish to contact the program teachers, please visit If have any questions they will more than willing to help!
Log your volunteer hours now!
Our September Volunteer of the Month parking spot is up for grabs!
Make sure all your hours are tracked on Track It Forward today!
-- Volunteer sign-up coming soon!!!
We're looking for a volunteer or two to film and edit a short video of our students presenting the highlights of the week!
Email our Parent Crew Communications Director for more details: or stop by the office sign up!
In this training, we will go over how, what, and why we do letter formation in a particular way. Please feel free to bring your child along as the perfect partner to practice during the training. We ask that you attend a training before you sign up to volunteer, and please do not bring younger siblings to your volunteer shift.
*9/13 Wednesday 1:15-1:45
Once you've been trained, please check Track It Forward to sign up for the 2 volunteer slots per classroom, from 8:30-9am on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, starting Monday September 18th!
Save the Date: Movie Night on the Lawn
Join us on the evening of Thursday, September 21st! More details to come!
Our purpose is to inform, to encourage, and to provide opportunities for parents and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school's instructional program and quality improvement processes. Information about SAC can be found here.
While meetings are open, agenda items are prioritized over public forum. If you have a specific item you'd like to discuss at the meeting, please submit your request ahead of time to .
NEW! Community Involvement:
Kids who sing? Now that’s got ring! Celebrating our 5th year anniversary. Come sing with us!
Director and professional singer, Lorena Perry, sings with Opera Colorado, Nova Singers, The Original Dickens Carolers, and has directed multiple children’s shows including 3 recent shows for Audience of One Christian children’s theater. She has taught music and dance for 20+ years.
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