March 10, 2023

Spring Break: REMS will be on Spring Break from March 13-24th.  Have a safe and engaging break. Classes will resume on March 27, 2023.  

Reminder: Order your 2022-23 REMS Yearbook on MySchoolBucks if you haven't already!

NEW! News from our Crews:

March 8, 2023 we had an all-school drum circle for our Beat.

NEW! A Note from Ms. Lisa about CMAS:

State testing season is upon us and we want to make sure you have all of the info you need to help your child be successful on these assessments in April. 

CMAS testing will take place during the weeks of April 3rd and April 10th. Our testing schedule can be found HERE.

During this time, it is important that students are:

  • At school

  • On time

  • Well rested

  • Have had a good breakfast and bring filling snacks to school

This can truly make a world of difference!

If you choose to have your student not test this year, they will need to stay home during testing session hours as we, unfortunately, have no additional room or staff in the building that are not being used for testing to support them. Please contact if you are considering this or have any questions.

Click here for more information and Q & A about CMAS.

NEW! Spring STEAM Club:

Calling all 4-6th Graders:  Join us After School for a fun-filled time in STEAM CLUB, with Ms. JoAnna in the 6th Grade Lodge! 


STEAM education is a teaching approach that combines science, technology, engineering, art and math. STEAM is designed to help students develop, the real world skills of collaboration and problem-solving (within a team), while promoting a growth mindset and love for curiosity for all who wish to participate.


STEAM club is for all REMS students grades 4th-5th-6th. Space is limited to 12 students.


Science: Newton's Antics 

Technology: Hour of Code (coding loops, variables, array and indexes)

Engineering: Freestanding Designs

Art: Origami Yoda  

Math-Upside Down Architect


STEAM CLUB is $45 per student. Students will get to participate in five or more fun-filled STEAM activities. This is a wonderful opportunity to expose your child to advanced concepts in Science.


Parents/Students can sign up at the front desk (with cash or a check) made payable to REMS.

News from our Student Accountability Committee:

(1) Next SAC meeting is on March 30, at 5:30 at the school. 
As always, SAC meetings are open to anyone in the school community. If you would like a specific topic addressed, please presubmit items to

(2) Join us for Coffee with the Principal
This is an opportunity to get to know our principal, to learn more about the initiatives going on at the school, and to simply build the crew culture.  
Happening in the month of April... stay tuned for the exact date.
Please help us plan this event in such a way that it is inviting and accessible to you, by completing this engagement-survey.

A Note from Camelot (BASE):

Renaissance Before & After School Program

Our Camelot BASE program is accepting new students.  Enrollment is Free this year, and there are openings in all time slots - before & after school, Wed half days and full days during breaks.  Visit the Camelot BASE website for info about our program and to access the enrollment link.  You can also contact our BASE manager, Heidi Jergenson @ 303-489-4898,

NEW! News from our Parent Crew


Do you have a 3rd-6th grader who is interested in running? Are you a parent who is interested in fostering a love for running in your girl? Call or text Ashley Payne! (720) 240-1463
Girls on the Run is staring early March and will run for 10 weeks. 

Auction Recap - Letter from our Parent Crew Board
Our most gracious thanks to all our Parent Crew and community for your support of our fundraising efforts this year! Please take a moment to read our letter to update everyone on the busy week we've had since our event. We appreciate everyone's time, patience, and of course generous support of our school!

Coming Up Soon: Parent Crew Board Elections! Nominations will open when we return from Spring Break! We're looking for THREE dedicated Renaissance Parents to join our Board this year, so please consider nominating yourself to serve. A board position is a two-year commitment, so we ask only parents who will have students attending REMS for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 school years.

Feel free to review our bylaws, and if you have any questions, reach out to us at

Open Committee leads for 2023/24: We are actively recruiting several committee leads, including fundraising leads for both the student-led fundraiser (RAD), and the Auction. We will provide extensive training by the Parent Crew Board and welcome your ideas, insight, and passion for our events! If you are interested in helping head up any of our events next year, please reach out to us.

Spirit Night at Parry's Pizza: Join us Wednesday, April 12th for a tasty treat while supporting REMS!

NEW! Community Involvement Opportunities:

Stone Canyon Summer Camp Opportunity:
Register your student for a summer to remember today! Energetic and attentive staff, a wide variety of activities, and the potential for lifelong friendships await you when you arrive at our beautiful 99-acre location in the Rampart Range.

More information can be found at


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