December 2, 2022

NEW! Notes of Gratitude: 

A Huge Shoutout to Ms. Julie's and Ms. Sarah B.'s crews for presenting on COMMUNITY at this week's Beat!  We loved seeing our students share what influences our crew culture.  What a great lesson to live by! 



Our Lost & Found is Being Donated

Our Lost & Found is slowly creeping down the hall. If you are missing something please make the time to come check next week. We will be donating all unclaimed items on Friday, December 9th

Elementary Progress Reports 

Elementary Progress Reports (EPRs) will be released to parents in the Parent Portal on Friday, December 23 at 9am.  This is an essential snapshot to view your child's current progress towards standards mastery in the first semester.  Our teachers spend a great amount of time reporting out on each child's progress on grade level expectations each semester.  Parents, please take a few minutes to review your child's progress for the 2022-23 school year. 

NEW! Staff Spotlight:

Get to know some of our amazing staff that's new at REMS this year! This week we spotlight Ms. Sam, our new adventure ed coordinator, and Ms. Hope our registrar and tech guru!

Meet Ms. Sam & Ms. Hope

NEW! A Note from Our Nurse:

We are well on our way into the cold weather season. Throw in the crazy wind and you have the ingredients to dry, chapped skin, face, lips, and hands (especially with all of the hand washing to keep away the germs)! Please send your student to school with lotion (consider writing their name on it) and chapstick. We continue to encourage the kids to keep hydrated as well!

Please remember to pack extra snacks too. They seem to be going through a collective growing spurt!

Save The Date: Parent/Teacher Data Conferences:

Parent/Teacher Data Conferences will be held on December 7th and the 14th.  Your child's teacher will be reaching out to you to schedule individual conferences to review your child's progress in the first semester. This is an excellent time to review data, determine progress with grade level expectations and to anticipate plans for the second semester. 

Apple Awards Nominees:

This year's Apple Award representatives for REMS will be Ms. Bethany Marlow, Kindergarten teacher (7.5 years) and Ms. Donna Montgomery, Kitchen Assistant and BASE Program Lead (11.5 years).  Please take a moment to congratulate them on their years of service in the Renaissance community!  Thank you to all who submitted Apple Award nominations for our amazing staff members! The ceremony to honor our representatives will take place on April 1, 2023. 

NEW! News from our Parent Crew:

REMS Holiday Giving is Coming Back!

The red envelope Holiday Giving project officially kicks off this week! Look for the envelope in your youngest (or only) child's folder for information about how, where, and when to spread a little generosity to all our amazing REMS staff! You can also visit our website here to donate or check out our staff's favorite things.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: we have LOTS of ways for you to get involved around our school every day!
Car line support - help keep our crews SAFE at drop off and pick up.
Lunch support - help our kiddos stay focused at lunch time (please do not eat with your kiddo if you sign up, we need your help with all our kiddos!).
Climbing support - climbing is back NEXT WEEK and we need all our trained belayers to help make this happen for our kiddos! Sign up for shifts before/after your kiddos' crews too!
There's still belay training you can attend to help.

DECK THE HALLS - This Saturday December 3rd 9 am - 12:00. Come help decorate the school for the holidays and spread cheer this season! Join us.
We are still in need of a few more supplies. See here:

SAVE THE DATE - REMS Auction: March 11, 2023
We will be hosting a kick-off planning meeting on Tuesday, December 6th, 9:30am at Kneaders Bakery in Castle Rock! We hope to see you there!

REMS Fundraising Cruise to Alaska from 6/11/23-6/18/23

Come join us on Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 06:00 PM for a Zoom Meeting to learn more about our REMS Fundraising Cruise to Alaska, whether you have already booked or have questions and are looking to book into this amazing fundraiser for our school. Hear from Princess Cruises, Cruise Vacation Planner Jeff Stanley, to learn about the voyage, activities both onboard and off, and so much more! Bring your questions and get ready for some fun!

Don't Forget to Log Hours - Make sure to log your hours. Anyone over 40 hours will be included for their chance to win a gift card of appreciation and a spotlight for all your hard work!


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