October 7, 2022


We'll see you on October 24th. Enjoy your two weeks off!

New! RAD News:

Renaissance Adventure Day: Way to go Crews! As of Friday morning, we had raised over $46k from ALL 50 STATES to help fund a new climbing wall, voyage transportation, and library and technology renewal! We also stuffed 281 bags for our service project through Soldiers' Angels.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated, shared, and volunteered to make this day a success! 

Bond Mill Levy Override News! 

Castle Rock Region
Erin McDonald, @DougCoSchools Executive Director of Schools for the Castle Rock region shares how Castle Rock area schools are funded, and how those schools would benefit from additional dollars. https://youtu.be/Fm7KHe-VUxk

This past Tuesday the Board of Education voted unanimously to place a $60M Mill Levy Override and $450M Bond on the November 2022 ballot. If passed by voters, an MLO would enable DCSD to provide pay that is more competitive with other school districts to retain teachers and staff. Should an MLO pass, DCSD teachers, on average, would receive a 9% pay increase, as reflected in these salary schedules. Classified staff members, such as bus drivers, educational assistants, custodians, etc., would receive a 9% increase. Other staff, including school principals and administrators, would receive a 6% pay increase.  A $450 million Bond would help DCSD construct three new neighborhood elementary schools and create additions to two existing middle schools to reduce crowding and plan for growth.

NEW! Dismissal Procedures:

In order to make dismissal easier for everyone once we return from Fall Break, we are asking parents who use our Kiss and Go Line to place their students' names and crew in their windshield. The school will be sending home these plaques. Feel free to use these or homemade ones.

NEW! Battle of the Books:

If your child is interested in participating in Battle of the Books, practices will begin October 27th, the first Thursday after Fall Break. Practices will be Thursdays after school from 4-5pm this year. Please see Ms. Cari or Ms. Erin before 10/27 if you are interested in participating.

NEW! News from our Parent Crew:
Belay Training
Climbing is one of the most important pieces of our Adventure Education program, but it doesn't happen without parent volunteer support! Sign up HERE to attend Mr. Doug's belay training.

Water Bottles
Our Nalgene water bottles are BACK IN STOCK! Please note, we saw a significant price increase from our supplier, so they are now $15 each. Get them while they last at the front office.

Spirit Wear Store Open Now
Renaissance Crew Wear is BACK!! This store is open continuously so order whenever you're ready and items will ship directly to you! Happy shopping, Crews!

DID YOU KNOW? You can link your King Soopers loyalty account to help our school raise money at no additional cost to you! Here's how:
Simply visit the appropriate link below..

To Use the King Soopers or City Market Community Rewards Program:

If you don't have a King Soopers loyalty card, you will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a loyalty card. Once logged into your King Soopers account, visit "my account" > "community rewards" then search for Renaissance Educational Alliance either by name or WR833 and then click "Enroll."  THANKS FOR HELPING YOUR SCHOOL. 


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