December 10, 2021

NEW! Parent Crew Involvement Opportunities:

The Renaissance Auction team needs your help!
If you're interested in learning what your role can be in our biggest fundraiser of the year, please let Colleen and Erin know when you'd be able to meet for an informational gathering before the winter break here:

NEW! News from Ms. Monica:

A Brief Note from the School Counselor:

We are in the final counseling classroom lessons of the semester this week and next.  You will receive an update in the Counseling Circle newsletter next week!
DCSD has released a third video segment in its Anxiety Series.  In this segment, Dr. Cypers presents his FACE model which is a fantastic tool for helping people to recognize anxiety and take actionable steps to vanquish it. To watch this video segment, please click this link. Dr. Cypers will be available to answer your questions live via this link on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:00 PM.
To watch the first video segment in the series, please click this link.
To watch the second video segment in the series, please click this link.

NEW! Welcome to our Parent Crew:

Meet the Parent Crew Volunteer Coordinator, Kendra Arkfeld!

Kendra has a kindergartener in Ms. Bethany's Crew and a preschooler joining REMS  next year. She grew up in Highlands Ranch and has been in Castle Rock for about 4 1/2 years. For her 'day job' Kendra works in IT, and her husband works in construction. They're both super excited to have their kiddos at Renaissance and jump in to help our community! 

NEW! Staff Crew Spotlight:

Meet the Renaissance 4th & 5th Grade Crews, including our newest member, Ms. Sami, who is teaching 4th grade.

"I was so excited about the outdoor education side of REMS. Growing up camping, fishing, and being outside, I thought REMS would be a perfect fit for me... I've always been excited to try new things, so I thought the school would be a perfect fit and a great learning opportunity to better my experience and change the lives of my students."

Don't forget to check out the rest of the 4th and 5th grade team, too!

Apple Awards 2021-22

Remember that the links are open and the Douglas County Foundation is accepting nominations for the 2022 Apple Awards until December 17th. You can find the links here to nominate and celebrate our amazing REMS staff!

Backyard Bakeries Holiday Fundraiser:

Want to help support REMS and gift some adorable, delicious treats? Backyard Bakeries is pairing with us again for our holiday fundraiser. Starting Nov 1st- Dec 23rd we will be getting 20% on all your orders! Check out all their amazing treats here:

A note from 4th grade:

We are collecting bread bags to bring up to Keystone Science School (KSS ) on our winter voyage. We will be happy to have bags for our crews and to deliver KSS extra bags so they can use them with other schools.  Plus, it prevents the soft plastic from going directly into the trash and gives it another use-yeah sustainability! We have collection bags outside the 4th-grade classrooms and in the cafeteria.



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