Renaissance Adventure Day Update!

Dear Parents,

The Parent Crew Foundation is excited to share that the 3rd annual Renaissance Adventure Day (RAD) will take place on Friday, October 8th.  Renaissance Adventure Day is a day to challenge our students in the spirit of our school’s core values, to come together as a community in service of others, and to raise funds.  

This year, all students will participate in four different stations that celebrate the many things we value at Renaissance and receive a voyage approved RAD shirt.  Three of the stations will be outdoor challenges, and the fourth will be a station focused on service.  For the service component of our day, students will participate in assembling “Kits for Kids” - creating necessity duffle bags for children who experience foster care.  Please read more about Kits for Kids, here.  

Funds raised will support Renaissance equipment purchases for both the Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE), and for in-school Adventure Programming including climbing and archery.   

To make RAD a reality, we need your help!  Here’s what to do next:

  1. Complete this online waiver so that your child may participate in the outdoor stations.

  2. Sign up to bring in an item(s) for our service project, Kits for Kids.

  3. Sign up to volunteer at a station throughout the day.  Visit the RAD website to see the schedule to determine how you can volunteer with consideration for your child’s schedule.

  4. Donate here to support our OLE and in-school Adventure Programming!  Cash and check donations are also welcome; please make checks payable to REA.  A $15 donation covers the cost of one student’s RAD shirt.  A $30 donation covers the cost of one RAD shirt + RAD programming.  A $65 donation covers the cost of one RAD shirt + RAD programming + one student’s contribution toward the OLE and Adventure Programming equipment.  As always, we are grateful for your generosity in any amount, even beyond $65 if you choose. Additional funds will go toward future projects at Renaissance and Adventure Programming expenses.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the Renaissance front office at 303-387-8000. 


Brittnee Pierse & Tiffany DeYoung, RAD Co-chairs

NEW! Traffic Reminders:

Thank you for your continued collaboration in fostering a safe arrival and dismissal process for all of our students.  Here a few reminders to ensure efficiency: 
  • Please use the crosswalks at all times. 
  • In the Kiss n-Go Lane, remember to use the RSS loop for arrivals and dismissals and follow the flow of the traffic line by pulling up to the next designated space in line. 
  • If picking up in the traffic line, it is helpful to have a name placard on your dashboard with your student's name, grade and teacher.
  • Please continue to leave pets at home. 
  • Keep an eye on younger siblings as our staff are focused on keeping our student crews safe. 
  • Be alert and conscious of safe and slow driving habits in our parking lots. We value our community's safety. Thank you! 

Camelot Fall Break Schedule

Community Involvement Opportunities:

Spend the morning with the Douglas County High School Pommies learning sidelines, a halftime performance and having lunch. Then be on the sidelines with the Pommies cheering on the DC Varsity football team at the 1:00 PM game. Lastly, show off what you learned at a halftime performance! Wear comfy clothes and sneakers. We can’t wait to dance with you! Please contact Kelly at 303-903-0356 with any questions.

The Castle Rock Children’s Choir invites singers ages 6 – 14 to a wonderful musical opportunity

this fall. We’re preparing a Christmas Around the World concert for 2021. In addition to learning to

sing parts and harmonize, children will learn to pronounce and sing foreign languages. They’ll

also study holiday traditions from various countries to enrich their learning of international music.

Director, Lorena Perry, earned her B.A. in art, music, dance, and child development. She

enthusiastically brings her expertise together to educate and inspire young minds in the fine arts.

To sign up, contact: 303-917-5038 or


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