NEW! A Big Thank You!

Thank you to the Parent Crew Foundation and all our parent volunteers for making our awesome RAD possible. A special shout out to Tiffany Deyoung and Brittnee Pierse for all their hard work! Today students completed over 14,000 obstacles together. We had 45 wacky relays and 15 pipe challenges. Our students assembled 86 duffle bags for kids transitioning into a new home for the Special Kids, Special Families Project. Together as a crew we raised enough money to purchase volleyball nets, soccer goals, and climbing gear for our Adventure Ed. program. 

NEW! Halloween Parade Information!

As Halloween is approaching, we wanted to communicate our school plans for celebrating this heavily anticipated holiday.  We will be celebrating as a whole school on Wednesday, October 27th with an outdoor parade followed by individual classroom celebrations.  We are happy to invite parents to the outdoor parade. Please be mindful of social distancing if you plan on attending.  

Costumes Guidelines: 

  • Please have your child arrive at school dressed in their full costume at 8:30am. 

  • Please refrain from sending any play weapons with your student. 

  • Students will be required to wear their face masks throughout the day. 

  • If your child has a costume that includes a mask, they will be allowed to wear it during the parade.

  • Students will change out of their costumes after the parade has concluded.  

Outdoor Parade:

  • The parade will begin at 9am and will conclude at 9:30am.

  • If you plan on attending the parade, please review the parade route enclosed.  We want to ensure the sidewalks are completely open from observers so we have a clear path for our students.  Please stand at a safe distance as you wave to our students.

  • You do not need to check in at the office to attend the parade as we will remain outdoors.

  • We will film the parade and put it on the website for  families after it concludes. 

Classroom Celebrations: 

  • Individual classroom celebrations will be held after the parade.

  • Teachers will work together with Crew Parents regarding supplies & needs for celebrations. 

  • We will not be asking for food items due to the varying allergies in our crews.  

  • In an effort to mitigate COVID protocols, parent volunteers will not be needed for the crew celebrations.

Please remember that Wednesday is also a half day for our students.  Dismissal will be at 1pm for all students. 

Ms. Trena

NEW!: Library News from Ms. Kelly!

Back by popular demand, THE BOOKFAIR! Save the date for November 15th - 19th! Be on the lookout for more information after Fall Break.

NEW! News from Ms. Monica:

Interested in what’s happening with Social and Emotional Education at REMS? Here’s Ms. Monica’s newsletter: 


Community Involvement Opportunities: 



The Castle Rock Children’s Choir invites singers ages 6 – 14 to a wonderful musical opportunity this fall. We’re preparing a Christmas Around the World concert for 2021. In addition to learning to sing parts and harmonize, children will learn to pronounce and sing foreign languages. They’ll also study holiday traditions from various countries to enrich their learning of international music.


Director, Lorena Perry, earned her B.A. in art, music, dance, and child development. She enthusiastically brings her expertise together to educate and inspire young minds in the fine arts. To sign up, contact: 303-917-5038 or


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