
Showing posts from September, 2023

September 29, 2023

NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena: Important Dates:  10/5:  Make-up Picture Day 10/5: 1st grade Hike to Castlewood Canyon  10/6:  Renaissance Adventure Day  10/9/23-10/20/23:  Fall Break October Count: VERY IMPORTANT!  Our October student count for the 23-24 school year is upon us!  It is crucial that  all students are present at REMS on Monday, October 2, 2023   to ensure that we are able to get fully funded from the state for every student that is enrolled with us.  Please refrain from showing up late or scheduling early pick-ups for appointments on this day.  We greatly appreciate your support.  School Fees: REMS voyage fees and supply fees are necessary to continue our unique programming. Please login to MySchoolBucks and ensure that you have paid all invoices and visit the REMS Store to pay your supply fee.  Bond/Mill Levy Update: Please join us!  NEW! A Note from Ms. Amanda Dear Parents/Guardians, DCSD is com...

September 22, 2023

NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena: Important Dates:  9/25-9/28:  5th grade Voyage/Day of Rest   9/28:  Coffee w/ the Principal 5pm  10/5:  Make-up Picture Day 10/6:  Renaissance Adventure Day  10/9/23-10/20/23:  Fall Break October Count: VERY IMPORTANT!  Our October student count for the 23-24 school year is upon us!  It is crucial that  all students are present at REMS on Monday, October 2, 2023   to ensure that we are able to get fully funded from the state for every student that is enrolled with us.  Please refrain from showing up late or scheduling early pick-ups for appointments on this day.  We greatly appreciate your support.  Coffee with the Principal:  School Fees: REMS voyage fees and supply fees are necessary to continue our unique programming. Please login to MySchoolBucks and ensure that you have paid all invoices and visit the REMS Store to pay your supply fee.  Bond/Mill Levy Upda...

September 15, 2023

NEW! A Note from Ms. Trena: Important Dates:  9/19-9/22:  4th grade Voyage/Day of Rest   9/21:   REMS Movie Night ( RSVP  here )    6pm  9/22:  Professional Development Day for Teachers (No school)   9/25-9/28:  5th grade Voyage/Day of Rest   9/28:  Coffee w/ the Principal 5pm  10/5: Make-up Picture Day 10/6:  Renaissance Adventure Day  10/9/23-10/20/23:  Fall Break October Count:  Our October student count for the 23-24 school year is upon us!  It is crucial that  all students are present at REMS on Monday, October 2, 2023   to ensure that we are able to get fully funded from the state for every student that is enrolled with us.  Please refrain from showing up late or scheduling early pick-ups for appointments on this day.  We greatly appreciate your support.  Dear Families,  We have a very busy, yet exciting few weeks ahead of us! Fall Voyag...