June 3, 2022

NEW! News from our Crews: We had our first ALL SCHOOL assembly to watch this year's production of A Midsummer's Night Dream . Ms. Liesl and the 5th & 6th grade crews did a phenomenal job bringing the story to life! Here is the link to the full video. Ms. Billie's crew had a wonderful guest speaker from an organization called Think Humanity . His name is Emmanuel (Emma) and he has been relocated to Norway after more than 18 years in refugee camps in Africa. He was driven from his childhood home due to unrest in his home country and had a very compelling and inspiring story to tell the kids. The Crew was riveted during his presentation and after they wanted to do a pop-up bake sale after school on Monday, June 6 ! They will be using the profits to purchase mosquito nets for the refugees to keep Malaria at bay when they are living in the camps. Notes from Ms. Trena: Change of Enrollment for 2022-23 Please communicate to our Registrar, Ms. Rose O'Brien, and Adminis...