
June 6, 2024

NEW! Note from Ms. Trena Dear REMS Families, As we close the doors on another incredible school year, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the wonderful journey we have shared together. Today marks the end of a chapter, but it also signals the beginning of new adventures and opportunities for our students, staff, and families. Reflecting on the past year, I am amazed by the resilience, creativity, and dedication demonstrated by our entire crew community. Despite the challenges we faced, we came together with unwavering determination and positivity, making this year one to remember. Our students have not only grown academically but also personally, embracing new experiences, cultivating friendships, and discovering their unique talents. To our graduating sixth graders, as you prepare to embark on the next phase of your educational journey, remember that you carry with you the values and lessons learned as a crew. We are immensely proud of each and every one of you and cannot

May 31, 2024

NEW! News from our Crews: Our second grade crews enjoyed a day at Castlewood Canyon this week. Our 5th and 6th graders performed Folktales for Fun on Thursday afternoon. Third grade continues to monitor the Blue Bird boxes. Ms. Lauren's crew performed their Piggy & Elephant plays for parents on Friday morning. NEW! News from Ms. Sami's Crew: Want to get a head start on your volunteer hours for next year?  We're looking for parent and child volunteers to help maintain our school garden over the summer! At minimum, we are looking for one volunteer a week; however, you can come and help with the garden as much as you/your child want.  Sign up for as many days as you'd like to ensure the water is on and the beds stay moist, weed in and around the garden beds, harvest any ready produce, and enjoy the garden. Your help is greatly appreciated and important for keeping our garden thriving! Thank you for your support! Throughout the summer if there are any issues, for exampl

May 24, 2024

NEW!  A Note from Ms. Trena: Dear REMS Families,  We are so close! As we begin to wind down our final two weeks of school, please remind your student(s) to finish the year out strong.  Our teachers are working diligently to keep routines in order and academics at the focus and we hope that our students will continue to model our core values.  We have very exciting events coming up that we wish for all of our students to be a part of! Thank you, parents, for your continued support at home.    Important Dates:  - Monday 5/27 Memorial Day No School  - Wednesday 5/29 2nd grade Castlewood Canyon  -Thursday 5/30 All School Play 4:30 PM -Monday, 6/3  6th g. St. Mary's Glacier  -Tuesday, 6/4  6th g. Continuation and All School Drum Circle 9 AM;  6th grade dismissal at 12:00 -Wednesday K-5 Dismissal at 1pm  -Thursday K-5  Last day of school- Dismissal at 1pm Here are some quick updates: Hiring Updates- New to the Crew!  Ms. Cari Lazarony will be joining our Kindergarten Crew next Fall as a