August 26, 2022

NEW! News from our Crews: On Weds August 31st we will be having our first Beat! Please wear your blue and green tie-dyed shirt to school. Ms. JoAnna's sixth grade crew returned from our second voyage. Welcome back Crew! A Note From Ms. Hope: Please remember to call our attendance line at (303) 387-8002 when your students are going to be absent. Kiss-n-Go Announcements: Please ensure that you are mindful of our Kiss-n-Go expectations to ensure safety and efficiency for all. Follow the queue to the top of the car line and move with the cars ahead of you. Refrain from using your cell phones in the car line. Your awareness helps to keep our students and staff safe. Proceed through our crosswalks slowly and with caution. Put a placard in the right side of your dashboard identifying your student's name, grade, and class. Efficiency is key in the car line. If you need more time to drop off, please park in the lot and use the crosswalk. NEW! A note from...